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In a green lush forest, A young princes was laughing . As the Dandelion's swayed in the wind. As the young princess ran, her green dress was swaying The little girls pig tails, bouncing up and down as she ran. a Young white fox pup followed behind her. "Come on snowball! He'll never find us back here" The pup nodded, as she followed behind her owner, and most importantly friend Harumi. "I'm coming rumi, but you know I have little legs!" Harumi hearing the snapping of a tree branch. Picking up Snowball, and running as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran untill she found a tall Birch tree she could climb up. She looked at her friend, placing her on her shoulder. "Hang onto your fur snow, we are climbing up" snowball whimpered. As they climbed up higher and higher. Once they were high enough. Harumi rested on a branch as a young voice was heard: "princess? Princess harumi where are you?" Harumi knew that was her personal guard, who her parents had watch over her, making sure she safe. Harumi looked down, and saw The young boy in green searched for the young princess.

Harumi smiled down at the blonde . To her, Lloyd wasn't just a guard. He was her friend, like snowball who was her very best friend. "Princess harumi. Come on, your parents wanted me to fetch you" he called. Harumi only giggled from above, watching the boy try and find her. That's when a certain snake came over to The blonde, and harumi knew it was her mother Asphera. The lady looked down at the guard. "Did you find my daughter?" She asked kindly. The blonde shook his head. "I'm sorry your majesty, not yet" he looked around before he asked the Empress. "Where's emperor Garmadon?" The Snake smield. "He is back at camp, packing everything so we don't leave anything behind. Little did the two know Harumi climbed down the tree and started to tip toe back to the camp. But as she walked away, she wasn't aware of a figure behind her. Snowball was on her shoulder, still sleeping. But suddenly her ears perked up, turning her head she saw the figure. And she screamed, the little princes turned around, but wasn't fast enough as she was engulfed in a giant hug!. She giggled, as the figure was tickling her. "Daddy! Stop it!, you know I'm ticklish" she said as she soon was lifted up in the air, and garmadon planted a Giant kiss on her Cheek. Making the little girl laugh more, as they headed to Asphera, and Lloyd.

"Look who I found" Garmadon said to the two, as he walked closer and closer to them. Asphera smiled, "looks like you captured a little princess" Asphera walked closer before getting close enough and kissed Garmadon on the cheek making the two kids grossed out. "Eww! Daddy! That's disgusting!" Harumi chimmed. The two adults laughed, as Asphera smiled down at her daughter. "So harumi, I have one more gift for your birthday sweet girl" harumi giggled. "What is it mommy?" She asked.

Asphera pulled out a box, that had green wrapping along with a bow. It was fairly long. Harumi titled her head in confusion, as Garmadon setted the five year old down. The baby walked over, before ripping open the package, and she saw Red katanas. Her eyes gleamed with joy. However garmadon wasn't so sure about this. He was nervous, as the young girl Approached a dummy. "Alright Harumi, keep your shoulders back, and swing around with your hand. To strengthen the blow" the young girl nodded however when she went to bring her sword down she lost her grip and it went behind her, some ways away. Harumi looked down sadly. "I missed" Asphera smiled at her daughter. "It's alright harumi, not everyone is the best at something it takes practice, and patience. Now then go get the arrow sweetie" the young girl nodded, running off to grab the missing katana. Garmadon sighend, looking at his wife. "Asphera! She's a lady, a sword isn't somthing a proper lady has!" He scolded. Asphera rolled her eyes. "Your so uptight Garm"

Harumi seeks her missed katana. Into the deep dark forest. She whimpered as the dark. "Like daddy once said I have to be brave!" The five year old whimpered as the darkness was all around her. Soon enough she sees her Katana, stuck in a tree. She smiled running over to it, using her strength that wasn't much to dislodge the sword. Once dislodged, the five year old looked around. "How do I get back to mommy, and daddy?" She asked. She started to get scared, when a trail of blue light appeared. She smiled, running to catch it. But it flies away. "They are real" she said
She heard her mothers call to her. "Baby! Come on, we're leaving now" she called. As harumi ran over to her parents. She smiled running towards her parents. "Mamma! I saw them! I saw a wisp!" She told them.
Asphera smiled, A wisp? You know, some say that Will O' the Wisps lead you to your fate" she told her daughter as she had a face of amazement. Garmadon rolled his eye. "Stop telling her that, it's just a legend
Come on, let's be off. Before we see a dancing charging dragon or a giant" he said as he walked towards his horse.

Asphera rolled her eyes, as she picked the baby up. Brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Your father believes he is a man of science, he doesn't believe in magic" she explained to her little girl. Harumi smiled as she rested her head on her mother's chest. "He should, cause it's true" the little girl said as suddenly a huge black bear comes behind Asphera and harumi, making The five year old scream with terror.

Heading harumi's scream, garmadon turned and saw: "Mor'du! Asphera, hide!" He yelled. The five year old whimpered as she and her mother rode off on her horse, little snowball following behind her. Lloyd passes a spear to garmadon. Garmadon with a growl, charges towards Mor'du but he snaps off Fergus' spear. Garmadon holds up his sword at Mor'du and shouts. "Come on, you!" suddenly Mor'du lunges forward and the screen goes blank

Hello everyone Jdizzle here I hope you enjoyed the proluge. I really wanted to do Asphera X garmadon, tell me what you thought. I think this will turn out to be a Awsome story and I'll see you all soon. Alright! Bye

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