Chapter 23 Magic

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"You need the sugar anyway." Bruce sighed. I ginned pleased then saw Shuri looking at me.

"How do you do that?" Shuri asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Just go back to normal," Shuri said and I frowned...What's she talking about.

"What do you mean? Also, why am I in the medical wing?" I asked and Bruce gave me a worried look.

"Tony, what day is it?" Bruce asked.

"Tuesday," I said and Bruce frowned.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Bruce asked.

"We came on vacation to Wakanda...By the way, when did you get here?" I asked and Bruce suddenly looked really worried.

"Was the head injury that bad?" Shuri asked.

"No, he should remember...Unless." Bruce said and I frowned.

"What am I forgetting?" I asked.

"Maybe it's better he doesn't remember," Shuri said.

"Guy's what am I forgetting and where're the guys?" I asked and Shuri frowned.

"Tony...your um...You've forgotten about a week of stuff." Bruce said and I frowned...Fuck.

"Seriously? Why?" I asked looking at Bruce.

"It's probably from...trauma," Bruce said.

"What kind of trauma?" I asked and Bruce bit his lip. "Ah...Ok. So I don't want to probably remember." I said.

"Probably not," Bruce said.

"Sam, T'Challa, and Steph? Are they ok?" I asked.

"Sam has yet to wake up..." Bruce said and I frowned...Fuck what happened?

"T'Challa and Steph?" I asked.

"They're fine, Brother had some king stuff to deal with," Shuri said.

"Stephen is studying some books," Bruce said...I frowned...I don't like this...there is a gap and I don't like it.

"What happened?" I asked and Bruce frowned. "It had something to do with Steve," I said remembering something happening and a phone call...Coulson!? "Is Coulson ok?" I asked.

"He's fine," Bruce said. "You are going to hurt yourself forcing it." He added.

"You know I don't like gaps in my memories," I said and I remembered Sam...stabbing Steve his eyes blue. "Is...Steve dead?" I asked.

"Tony...Stop." Bruce said...The hellacarrier destroyed...I got shot...Fuck! I tried again and still got to being in the hospital.

"I'm going to figure it out eventually," I said.

"You'll regret it," Bruce said and I looked at him seeing his eyes slightly green...Sam and I were taken...

"Is Sam going to be ok?" I asked.

"He' a coma," Shuri said and I shot up and fuck what happened to my damn ribs holy hell!?

"What the hell happened to us?" I asked and Bruce looked at the door.

"I'll go tell the magic boy he's awake," Shuri said and left us.

"Bruce...How bad?" I asked.

"Howard when you were 5 bad," Bruce said and I felt ill...So I was raped by someone I trusted...

"Was it Steve...Please tell me it was Steve and not like Sam or..." I trailed off about to cry.

"It was Steve," Bruce said and I nodded...ok...I can handle that...I don't remember what exactly happened but at least I know. "There was...he hurt you," Bruce said his eyes going full-on green.

"It's ok big guy," I said and the door opened.

"Anthony," Stephen said and rushed over. He reached out and I flinched away...Why...Did I do that? Stephen looked hurt for a second before a darkness gathered in his eyes his hand dropped making me frown. "How are you feeling?" Steph asked.

"Confused," I said and Stephen looked at Bruce.

"His memory of certain events is messed up," Bruce said.

"Sorry...I don't know why I..." I trailed off cause why did I flinch from Stephen's touch.

"It's fine, Anthony," Stephen said and I frowned...I want to remember.

"I'm going to go check on Sam," Bruce said leaving us.

"Steph...Can you fix my memory?" I asked.

"Anthony, your brain has obviously shoved whatever it was away because it was too much for it. Let it have a break." Stephen said.

"Do you know?" I asked.

"No...Bruce wouldn't tell us and Sam's not woken up," Steph said and I frowned...I feel like I'm forgetting something important.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."Sam repeated. "I love you." He said and my heart skipped...He...What? "Talk to me...please." Sam pleaded.

"You...You love me?" I asked stunned.

"Of course I do." Sam said...Oh.

"I...I love you to." I said...My eyes widened...

"Sam said he loves me," I said and Stephen smiled.

"Of course he does. We all Love you, Anthony." Steph said...Why was Sam so upset though?

"I want to see Sam," I said and Stephen frowned.

"Anthony, you really shouldn't be moving," Stephen said.

"I...I need to see him." I said not knowing why but I feel like I can help.

"I'll ask Bruce just wait," Stephen said getting up and leaving but Cloaky stayed with me. I know I can help...I feel like I did help before but how? I looked at my wings the light blue feathers hiding in the sea of black seemed to be glowing kind of like Bruce's wings.

"Fuck! Not remembering is killing me." I groaned. Cloaky laid on me and I smiled at it...What was it? What?

"That's great...Of course, I won't hurt him, sweetheart." I shuttered as he touched my cheek gently. "Take Sam back to his room...Tony and I will be catching up." Steve said and the look in his eyes made me feel sick...Oh...Oh ok, so Bruce was right...Images flashed in my head and fuck ok...breath. The images were blurry but they were there and then they brought Sam in...Then...Sam had super strength? No...I did that somehow cause I did it again when Sam was almost going to pass out...Can I do it again? The memories of Steve and I flashed in my head and I glared at the wall. No, come on what did I do? I had positive thoughts, right? No...It was more a positive feeling...I believed in Sam...I still do. I felt something so quick I almost missed it but I sure as hell felt that...Can I? I believe in my soulmates...I always will I felt a surge of something and then it was like I felt Sam...Like he was laying here with me...Can I wake him up? I reached out like I was trying to touch him and jerked away feeling too much at once...Ok...That was scary...Did I do it? Also, can I burn these images in my head cause Steve fucking me is nasty, I crunched the blueberry sucker in my mouth and looked around for a trash can.

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