Part eleven- Remy

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I'm giving Remy some hummingbird traits in the future, because I have a head cannon that each side is associated with an animal. Some are obvious, such as Dee (Snake) and Remus (Octopus). Virge is a tarantula/spider because he sticks to the shadows and is kind of skittish, Patton is a puppy because he is kind and excitable, Roman is a lion because lions are depicted as brave, Logan is an owl because owls are smart, and Emile is a rabbit because although timid, rabbits can be some of the friendliest animals in the world. Remy is a hummingbird because he likes sugar and coffee, and seems very energetic.

I drag the prince into the room, tapping my hand against the doorframe. Virgil looked up and his eyes widened. He went even paler than he already was, if that was possible. I glanced at Roman and he was pretty pale as well. I rolled my eyes and nudged him forwards. "You better not freeze up. I did not drag you in here for nothing." I looked at the taller prince, putting my hands into my leather jacket's pockets. Roman nodded, and visibly gulped. "Umm... Virgil. I wanted to apologize. What I said was wrong and I made assumptions I shouldn't have made. You aren't a dark side, heck I don't know if dark sides exist. I made the term up in the heat of the moment and it stuck for some reason. I shouldn't have judged your actions or motivations for those actions, because I don't know what goes on in your head. So, I'm sorry." After the creative trait finished speaking I turned to Virgil. I looked at him, sort of daring him to not accept it. To my surprise he started laughing. Not in a rude way but you could tell something was genuinely funny to him. "Sorry... it's just... I... I don't know. I accept your apology Ro, but next time please make sure you get the facts before jumping to conclusions." Roman nodded, and smiled. I nodded, before tugging on Roman's sleeve.  "We have to go, otherwise you will start to be affected by Deceit's room. You'll start to only speak in lies, and I don't think you wanna have to deal with that." Roman nodded at my words, and we walked out of the room, before rising up into the light sides' living room. I said goodbye and sunk out, before going to my room and launching myself at the bed, closing my eyes to take a well deserved 12 hour nap.

Accepting The Darkness (Anxiety x Deceit x Remus) [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora