Part Six- Remus

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I jumped up as an idea popped into my head. I was going to surprise Janus! And possibly Virgil, If he was there. I summoned my mace, and started strolling towards Janus's room. I opened the door to see Dee and Virge cuddling. I immediately dropped my mace with a thunk, and launched myself to them. Janus opened his eyes and and hissed, before recognizing me, He smiled a tiny bit and opened his arm to me, I snuggled on the opposite side of Virgil, placing my head on the joint between Janus's arm and shoulder. He squirmed a bit before getting comfortable. Virgil growled at the movement. I giggled, softley. Janus shushed me, before closing his eyes again. I snuggled closer before doing the same. Soon Virgil's and Janus's breathing began to steady and then mine did, and I was asleep.

Accepting The Darkness (Anxiety x Deceit x Remus) [Discontinued]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz