
Start bij het begin

"Just water is fine."

"Is she okay?" The waiter moved towards them. Xael growled another warning at him which caused him to stop and back away a little. Xael's behavior was indicative of a female Alpha. She sensed him picking up her scent as she heard him sniff.

{Make him go away!}

"I'm sorry, but I need you to leave. She senses you going into rut soon." Shado was blunt with the young waiter.

"There's no way she can know that!"

"Well she does. So unless you want her to Alpha out on you, find someone else to cover our table."

The waiter left, slightly pissed but Shado didn't care. Xael raised her head and quickly nuzzled her Mate's shoulder for his scent, then sat back up.


"Your fine dear. Those are some keen senses you got there." Xael smiled at him then looked off to the side. His dad returned his focus to his son. "So what's up with the hair Adam?"

"Oh, it needed to go. I cut it after we mated."

"I see. So do you two live together?"

"No, not yet. Soon though, we're looking at a place tomorrow in town."

"Good! So Xael, tell me about yourself. Adam tells me you're Native."

"I'm mixed. My dad was Native and my mom African American. My grandparents raised me."

"What happened to your parents?"

"They were killed."

"Oh my God! I'm sorry dear." Another smile to let him know it was okay.

"I noticed your dog tags. Did you serve?"

"Yes sir."

"Oh really? What branch?"

"Army Combat Medic."

"I see."

Xael needed to go to the bathroom. {I need the bathroom} Shado looked around and saw they were close by it.

"It's right there, I can see you." Shado let her out as she made her way to the restroom. Xael kept the cardigan wrapped tightly around her. Once the bathroom door shut, Shado's dad turned to him as they both had a watchful eye on her.

"So Adam. Xael isn't an Alpha, is she?"


"Relax son, I know what she is. Those eyes are a dead give away if you know about her kind. My grandmother told me about them. Never thought I'd see one and an Omega one at that."

Shado ran his hand through his hair nervously. "Yeah, she's an Omega. Not many know her status and I kinda want it that way."

"Don't worry son. So she's your True Mate, huh?"

By then Xael was back to the table, she moved so quietly that neither of them heard her. "Yes, he's my True Mate."

His dad had to laugh at how stealth she could be. He couldn't help but stare at her. He always thought Thunder Wolves were a thing of legend. As she settled back into the booth next to her Mate, she relaxed. Xael just needed to get accustomed to her surroundings. She looked at his dad and held his gaze, her grey/blue eyes were absolutely captivating. Now she was the one making him uncomfortable. Her gaze was penetrating and intense.

{My dad knows what you are.}

"I know." She looked at Shado and smiled as she moved closer to him. She looked back over to his dad. "You can stop staring now."

To Grandma's HouseWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu