Chapter 12 I love

Start from the beginning

"You hint that the conversation about Defne is over?" - Omer did not answer, he just looked firmly. - Good, I get it. I change the topic. Thanks to a certain designer in love, Tranba and Passionis will now have to work together. And we have very little time. It is necessary to immediately organize a meeting and develop a work plan.

"At three in the afternoon, in Passionis," Omer rapped out. He walked around Tranba and headed straight for the elevator.

Denise looked after him, smiled ironically, and headed for his office. Near the assistant's desk, he paused for a second and gave the order:

"Ruya, call Defne." Let her come in immediately. And also warn Kivanc and Seda that at three we have a meeting in Passionis. You come too.

"Good, Mr. Denise," the girl answered in a flat, emotionless voice. - Mr. Kivanc wanted to see you. What should I answer him?

"Later," Tranba answered without hiding his annoyance. - First I need to talk with Defne.

As soon as the cabinet door closed, Talat appeared in the reception room. Ignoring the assistant, he arrogantly lifted his chin and contemptuously twisting his lips, walked straight to the office of the big boss.

- Mr. Kivanc, wait! Ruya blocked his path. "Mr. Denise will speak with Defne, and then he will receive you."

- What? - Talat's eyes filled with fury.

The girl shrugged.

- This is his order. Even Mr. Denise asked me to inform you that at three o'clock we have a meeting at Passionis.

The furious Kivanc turned sharply and went to his place. Malice choked him. This upstart Defne, who worked for only a week here, pushed aside him and the Kivanc models. Received the title of the best designer in Turkey. For what? For her beautiful eyes? And everyone, including Tranba, jumps around her and you can only hear: Defne! Defne!

Тhey found a Queen, right!

How he hated her. Even more than her husband. Hated and wanted.

And he always got what he wanted.


Defne entered Denise Tranba's office and stopped near the long table for visitors, which was perpendicular to the boss's table.

"Mr. Denise, did you want to talk to me?"

He pointed to a chair with his hand.

- Have a seat.

Defne sat down and clasped her hands in her lap. She didn't want Tranba to notice the trembling of her fingers and understand how emotionally agitated and defenseless she is now.

- Defne, I want to talk about our contract. To be honest, I did not expect such a result.

"Me too," Defne muttered and sighed.

"The victory of both firms," continued Tranba, "brought confusion." We did not foresee such an outcome and did not introduce the corresponding clause in the contract.

Well, yes ... they didn't.

- And what do you suggest? Asked Defne.

Confident and firmly. Tranba was even taken aback. Where is that naive, emotional girl who has all her feelings written on her face? Before him sat a cold, unflappable stranger with an impenetrable face and a straight, full of proud dignity, posture. You cannot deceive such a person. And he answered honestly:

"I agree to close your debt if you sign a three-year contract with Tranba."

"For a year," Defne calmly advanced a counterclaim.

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