Chapter Fifty-Eight

Start from the beginning

He had SEEN her and if he needed to wait an eternity or more to see her once again, he would. Because no one else could compare.

Luckily the moon never disappears for too long but still... he knows he cannot possibly be the only one who would appreciate the moon and its beauty.

There will be others – other more worthy.

And THAT is probably what scares him.

He had felt this kind of fear before when he was losing Song Zuer and he thought back then that he won't ever feel it again, but it seems he is wrong.

Not only is he feeling that fear now (at a time when he practically shouldn't because nothing technically has even started yet), but he is feeling it in staggering degrees.

He shook his head.

A monster looking up at the moon. 

He is NOT worthy of her at all.

"I will crush you."

There it was again.

He closed his eyes and he could see his hand bloodied as Chen Feiyu crouched on the floor, holding on to his broken nose.

And then an image of waking up inside a hospital room, with Zi Wei and his Mom crying as his Dad and all his friends looked on in relief because he had almost died from alcohol poisoning, came up to him.

His body and mentality was as battered and as broken as Feiyu's face when he punched him and he remembered thanking the heavens he had woken up because he was going to break more bones on Feiyu's face, if possible.

Everyone was relieved he was alive. They were happy.

He was furious.

He was raging.

Something inside him had been unleashed and it was only when Zuer pleaded with him to stop did he recognize what he had turned into and who he had become.

He put a lid on that creature until the time Shen Yue came and he unleased all his anger on her.

However, he had been able to put a lid on that creature again but dreaming about that monster now... does it mean he is raring to go out? Or does it mean that he wants Yue to "truly" acknowledge him?

He scratched at his face, wide awake and most probably won't be able to sleep anytime soon, and decided to go out of the room to grab a drink.

He caught sight of Yue's room and without thinking about it too much, he quietly checked on her door handle, eventually being surprised to find it unlocked.

He turned the door knob carefully and found her sleeping soundly, her face slightly buried into her pillow, her hair splayed all over, and her breathing quite even.

She looks so peaceful and to have kept her door unlocked, DiDi realized that she meant everything she told him.

"Wang He Di, it is EXACLY because of who you are that's why I am here..."

He stepped closer to her bed, sat down the floor, and felt himself begin to calm down just by looking at her.

He stopped himself from reaching out to touch her face or brush her hair away so she doesn't wake up, find him in her room, and then worry why he is up at this hour.

"How can you trust me?", he whispered to her despite the fact that he knows he won't hear her answer.

Although, as soon as he let those words out... he somehow understood why he dreamt of the monster once again.

Words are just words, no matter how sincerely spoken.

Deep inside him, he holds on to the fear that no matter what Yue said, she still does not fully accept and trust him.

But that unlocked door is enough proof.

She isn't afraid of him and she truthfully trusts him.

"You are making me fall so hard for you, Ms. Shen", he whispered now, "It's not fair."

He stayed at least a few more minutes with her after that declaration, fascinated by how she slept, before picking himself up from the floor, and going back to his room.

He forgot all about the glass of water he wanted to drink because it seems that the only thing he needed was to see Shen Yue.

He crashed back into bed, feeling the weariness from what he had done today smash into him, and drifted back to sleep.

This time, no bloodied hands, no hospital rooms, or monsters he recognized in the mirror came to intrude on his head.

He slept peacefully, smiling at the thought that Yue's door is and will always be open for him.


Author's Note:

Doing my best to keep my promise.

I hope you all enjoy this.


- Mai

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