Alastor x fem Chubby Bunny cook reader

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Requested by elenahedgehog

Alastor hums as he walks down the hallways of the hotel looking over some papers for an upcoming event being held at the hotel, the event is hopefully going to get the hotel both patrons and sponsors he had convinced his friend and fellow overlord Rosie to invite the other overlords to come well some were invited but others like vox and Valentino weren't really wanted due to reasons.

Alastor suddenly stops seeing the page about the food and remembering the cook charlie had recently hired , from what he's heard she was a cook for king George V and died due to being poisoned by a jealous underling who wanted her position, why she ended up here is still a mystery to him.

When alastor read what the cook would be preparing he grew curious at just how she could manage such a dish as a venison Wellington for so many guests on her own so he decided to make his way to the kitchen on his way however he started smelling something delicious and started walking faster wanting to know what the smell was just as he got to the kitchen door he stopped seeing Y/n the new cook stirring something on the stove top her bunny nose and ears twitching a little as she grabbed a spoon to taste whatever she was making, he quietly walked up behind her and peaked over her shoulder to see what she was making the poor girl jump and squeak a little realizing she wasn't alone anymore.

Looking into the pot Alastor noticed that she was making gumbo a dish he hadn't had since before his mother passed when he was young " so sorry to spook you my dear I was roaming the halls when I happened to smell your cooking, and if I may make a suggestion if you are looking to put an extra zing to it a few dashes of tobasco might do just that" y/n looks up at alastor for a second then looks at the pot, " I'm going to assume that you were luisiana born and raised when you were alive?" Alastor smiles warmly "yes indeed I was, is that a problem?" She giggled "no no I was born there aswell but moved to great Britain when I was a child, my father was a soldier so we moved around a lot , he was not too fond of my mother staying with the creole dishes especially when I came of age to learn to cook".

She adds the tobasco and then stirs some more then grabs a bowl and dishes it out for him then handing him the bowl. Alastor looks at it for a second then grabs a spoon and tries it his wide grin growing and his eyes full of amazement "my dear this is by far the best gumbo I've ever had" y/n smiles "why thank you Alastor"

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