Chapter 15 (Part 2)

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Nick's POV

I came to my room and took out some books. Thick dust covered it.

You just wait, I'll catch you by my hands.

I started to read the books on criminal psychology and profiling but I don't know why I started feeling uneasy. Like something is going to happen. I couldn't concentrate.

I guess I need a walk to shake this feeling off. I went outside and saw Ava's rooms light was off. I guess she fell asleep. But it's weird she never slept that early. I guess she was too tired.

I was walking down the streets when I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I froze up.

I turned around to see a two pale faces . It was other ghost.

"You are Nick right?" One of the ghost asked me.

"Yes, how do you know me ?" I asked them.

"Hi! I am Marco. Who doesn't know you? You are famous in our world" Marco the ghost said smiling.

"We just wanted to see who this ghost is nothing else by the way I am Sam" The other ghost said.

"We were actually passing this area and thought we should meet you. This place is really weird. Don't you think so Marco? I am feeling very uneasy" Sam said looking at Marco.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you" Marco said.

We chatted for a while and then bid goodbye to each other.

"It was great meeting you" Sam said to me.

"Bye guys" I called them over.
It feels good to talk with other ghost. At least I can interact with them.

"Let's get going then" I said to myself.

As I was nearing my home. I heard crashing sound. And some shouting.

I teleported to her room and saw her being strangled. Other benefit of being ghost I can see in dark. A man covered in black from head to toe was strangling her hard. With little bit of power I crashed the vase on his head. He lost his grip. She kicked him in the shin. I went over Ava.

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

"I am fine Don't let him go, he is the killer" She said hurriedly while gasping for air.


So, you are the one who killed so many women and me. I'll kill you today. How will you fight a ghost huh? I thought aloud standing up.

But what shocked me was what he said to me.

"So you are not dead huh? Today I'll make sure you are totally eradicated from this world" the killer said to me and punched me on the stomach.

Oof!! I flew and crashed the cupboard. That was quite a punch.

I tried to stand up to go over him but I couldn't move as if my body was held by some force.

"What did you do to me? Release me. Today I'll kill you. You are a pathetic piece of shit" I growled at him.

He was mumbling something as if praying.

I could hear Ava asking him "You, how di..? How can you see him?"

I could see the shadow moving towards her. I need to protect her. I tried to move my body but couldn't do.

"You can see him. What a pair! But since you will die today, let me tell you secret. I am a psychic. I can see them. But it's a pity they can't do anything when I am killing it, because I am invincible"He said laughing coldly.

I am is hard to digest the shocking information. He is a psychic. A damn psychic.

"Why the hell are you killing those women? You are pathetic you know!" Ava shouted at him angrily.

I need to save her. Why the heck is he attacking her? I struggled but couldn't move.

He jumped on her and started strangling her again. I could see that she was going to loose her consciousness when someone started struggling with the door.

"Ava! Ava! Open up the damn door. What is happening. Are you alright?" Thank God her parents came at the right moment.

The killer stayed still and said "Well it looks like, today is your lucky day. We will meet again soon" He loosened up the grip on her neck and stood up and jumped out of the window.

I was freed from the grip. I ran over to the window but couldn't see anything. He escaped. Damn that man. The hell.

I ran over to Ava and started calling her but she fainted. Her dad broke the door and they rushed inside the room. I stood up and sat on bed cursing myself for not able to catch that guy and protect Ava.





Stay tuned for following chapters😉😉

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