Chapter 14

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"Finally! Now we can have some leads" I said to him.

"Yup. Let's compare the notes" Nick said.

I cleaned some area for sitting. It was a mess. Papers were spread everywhere. It looked as if a storm came by.


This is what we found. Well it's really horrifying.

First victim: Anne Marie

26 years old. Lived alone. Family lived in other city. Student of psychology. Suffering from depression. No friends.

Killed on 14th February. Found by a passerby in the deserted park. Right hand missing.

Second victim: Samantha Harrison

25 years old. Part-timer in a convenience store. No friends and family. Orphan.

Killed on 14th March. Found in the washroom of metro station. Finger missing. CCTV camera - broken. No evidence. Case closed.

Third victim: Belle Hodgkin

27 years old. Doctor at ity hospital. Cardiologist. Dead in car accident. Fingers, rib, broken, intracranial haemorrhage. Molar tooth missing. Case closed as accidental death. Killed on 14th April.

Missing ring of second victim found. Proof of killed by same killer.

Traces of anti-anxiety pills, sleeping pills found. She seemed off , distracted and depressed

Fourth victim: Ariel Brown

25 years old. Major in arts. Had no friends or family. Orphan. Found in the dumping area. Right feet missing. Guard saw someone lurking. Traces of sleeping pill found. Killed on 14th May.
Found on the same day.

Fifth victim: Amy Smith

26 years old. Unemployed. Found by the river side. The surrounding looked liked the victim was with someone she knew. Signs of struggle. Death by asphyxiation. Right toe missing. Killed on 14th June. Found on next day by a group of teenagers.

Sixth victim: Lauren Penham

25 years old. Part time at Moon and Star Cafe. Absent from work for 2 days. Dumped in the abandoned tunnel. Tortured. Eyes gauged out. Widow and a mother of a girl. Daughter found in the home. Abusive in nature. Killed on 14th August.

Seventh victim: Nick Drew

20 years old. Student of a law school . Reported missing after not returning to home. Found dead in a abandoned warehouse in Blackville woods by the hiker. Killed on 17th August. No mere relevant information.

"This guy is totally crazy! I mean how could he kill so many people" Nick said.

"Psychopaths don't feel anything when they are on killing spree. There are so many examples on them. They either kill to enjoy or they think what they are doing is right. They become the judge and give their own judgement. This is why they are scary. Once they set a target they don't leave them alone. They have to be killed or be sent behind the bars to stop them. This is the only way."
I said to him.

Nick nodded in agreement.

"Few things we can deduct about this guy is that. From his pattern, all the six victims are in their mid-twenties" I started saying.

"And all were either orphan or leaving alone. Also they were depressed medically" Nick continued.

"Yes. Even if they were killed at different sites and in different way. One more thing is common" I said looking toward Nick

"Their one of the body parts and few accessories are missing. As in the accidental case. Second victim's ring was found on her" Nick said.

"Bingo! But there was sudden change in pattern in the sixth victim. She was living with her 6 years old daughter and was abusive. Also compared to the other victims she was tortured more brutally. Her eyes were gauged out. Why did he change the pattern? Did he have some grudge against her?" I said.

"But, if this guy had a grudge against her, he would have killed her first. Don't you think so? And if he met her by coincidence and if the meeting triggered somethings maybe that's when he decided to kill her. I would rather believe the first rather than latter" Nick said pointing out.

"You have a point. And we forget something very important. If we see the dates on which they were killed. It's all one month apart except his last two kill. Again the change in pattern is there" I said.

Nick nodded and said "I guess the last victim triggered something in him. That why there is the gap in the killing pattern"

"Hmm. True. Was this guy abused in his childhood? Mostly the psychopaths are abused in their childhood you know. Something might have happened that he started on killing spree" I said looking at him.

"Yes, we are not sure about it. We need to find out about this. But why are we referring him as a guy? He could be a women also" Nick suddenly said.

"Because uncle had already profiled him. He is the best profiler in the NBI" I said in duh tone.

"NBI hmm? Wait! You mean National Bureau Of Investigation. That NBI!?
What is he doing in the local police station then?" Nick asked me totally surprised.

"Because I guess that the police station is collaborating with NBI to solve this case. Well I believe so. Otherwise there is no need for him to be there"

"But how did you knew that he will be there?" Nick asked me.

"He came to visit me few days ago, where I overheard him saying to my dad that he will be working in the town for now. So, he will visit us now and then. He and my dad are best buddies you know. Also my mom and his wife are best friends. As clichè as it sound they went to same college and started dating each other" I said informing him.

(Well you guessed it correct , they are Anna's parents. Anna and Nick both went back to New York after spending their last holidays with me. Uncle Michael and Aunt Irene shifted a year ago in different town. They visit us now and then but when Anna comes for holidays they come back to live in their old home, that is 10 mins away from ours. It's perfect time for the friends reunion time. But since he was busy he couldn't visit us, though Aunt Irene and my mom spends all day with each other whenever they visit each other.)

"Wow! That's amazing!" Nick said.

"I know right, but let's focus on the topic"

"Ok ok, tell me about the profiling."

"Actually, he wrote it in short manner. It's not that clear, so it can be difficult but I think I can deduce it. Give me some time."

"Let me help you too. I know few things about it too. You know I was going to become criminal lawyer, but before doing that let's take few minutes. It's almost night time. Your mom and dad would be home soon" Nick said patting the spot next to him on the sofa.

"Oh. It's almost dark. Time flew really fast" I said looking outside the window.

I grabbed the remote on the side table and sat next to him. The temperature always drops around him. Well, he is a ghost but I am used to him now.

Ting Tong Ting Tong


I hope you liked this chapter!




Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters!! 😁

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