Chapter 25

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We all sat in the car and went to the direction of temple. We don't know where the temple is hidden but I won't let him go this time. We need to find it before him.

"We already reached here. Where to start from?" Detective Alan said.

"We need to look for the temple first. He said it eased hidden somewhere near the tunnel. Let's look around the tunnel. Let's split up. Uncle and priest Mason can look on that side. I and Nick will look on other side. Let's meet here after the search had been compeleted"

"Ava, did Mr Ethan said anything more?" Uncle wispered to me.

"No, he said that it somewhere near the tunnel"

They nodded and went away.

"Wait, He didn't mentioned whether it small or big temple right?

I nodded and we began searching but couldn't find anything.

"We looked in the surrounding but couldn't find anything. Nothing seemed out of place" Nick said

"It's not here. Let's go back maybe others found some clue"

I nodded in agreement.

We went back to the entrance of tunnel. Soon others joined us.

"Did you find anything?" I asked them.

They shaked their head in no.

"What to do now? Priest Mason is there no other way?"

I am afraid not. This is the only chance that we can save him otherwise you need to kill him" he wispered

Michael's phone started ringing. He picked it up.

"Yes, she is with me. Ok just a second"

"Ava, doctor George wants to talk to you" He said giving me the cell

"Doctor George?"

He nodded


"Ava, Mr Ethan passed away this morning"


"Yes, he went into the shock. Though the cause is unknown we are investigating it"

"I am very sorry to hear that"

"It's ok. Ahh, I forgot to tell you something. Since, yesterday he kept on repeating something. I thought it might be important"

"What did he say?"

"Mother. Tunnel. End. Behind"
"Mother. Tunnel. End. Behind"

Mother. Tunnel. End. Behind? Hmm..?

"Thank you doctor. I'll visit him soon"

"Sure" He said and disconnected the call.

"Why didn't I thought of that!" I exclaimed snaking my forehead.

"What happened?" Nick asked

"Mr. Ethan passed away this morning but he gave us an important clue"

"What is it?"

"Mother. Tunnel. End. Behind"

"That means-

"Yes, we forgot to check the end of the tunnel. Maybe at the end there must be the temple located"

"The exit is blocked but let's check it out" Michael said.

"Wait a minute!" He called us.

Michael picked up the phone. "What? Ok, ok, I'll send detective Alan there. Ok" he said looking horrified.

"What happened?" We all asked in unison

"They went to his place. He was not there so they broke the gate. They went inside and found a small cabin. There were pictures of women that have been killed and a refrigerator where the body pieces of victims were kept. Also few accessory set had begun found. More horrifying is that a body is also found. They are speculating that the body belongs to his mother.

Detective Alan I want you too check the recent locations about his whereabouts. Check all the possible means"

"Yes detective"

We were all dumbfounded but no one said a word. Priest Mason said a small prayer.

"Let's go" he said.

We started walking. We switched on our torches since it was pitch black. Due to earthquake that occurred 40 years ago, this tunnel could not be completed. Many workers died while working. The exit had collapsed and it was abandoned after a new one was made. It was a tragedy.

"Ava, don't look to your side. Don't give any attention. Walk with Priest" Nick wispered to me.

"You all come closer to me. Relax. There are some curious ghost around us" Priest Mason said

Hmm ok. To be honest I have not seen a ghost except Nick till now.

I saw one. A man was standing there. His head was bleeding. It was smashed.
His hand was twisted backward and he started walking towards us with a limp.

"Calm down Ava. Priest and one good ghost is with you" I said to myself.

We finally reached at the end. I looked back to see if anyone was following us or not. Thank God no one was there.

We reached the end but the big stones is blocking it. Let's check for any opening.

"Wait! I can go through it" Nick said
"Then why don't-

"Found it! I found an small opening and big enough for us to pass" I said excitedly.


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