Chapter 24

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We reached the station. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it would burst. We finally found the culprit. We entered the cabin. Michael was busy giving instructions to the other officers.

"Now we have got the arrest warrant, raid his house immediately. Take few men and forensic team with you. Search the place carefully. Don't leave a single spot and report me. Be careful"

"We will! Let's go!" Said the officer.

"Uncle!" I called him out.

He saw in our way and came towards us.

"Uncle, this is priest Mason. He will help us with the case"

"Oh hello! Priest Mason. It's nice to meet you" He said shaking hands with him.

"We have located his place. They have gone to his house. Though the chances are slim that he will be there but maybe some evidence can be found"

"I gathered that much"

"Also, we found the footage when he was killing Ms Alina"

"Where did you find it?"

"It was a pure luck. Do you remember a small statue that was on the side table?"

I nodded.

"One of my officer by mistakely lost his footing and crashed into it. The camera was inserted in one of its eyes. Now, let me show you the footage"

"His name is Jack Williams. He is 27 years old. He was diagnosed medically depressed last year"

He played it. Alina threw holly water on him. Nothing happened but he started laughing crazily. "Do you think I am same as before? I am much more powerful, much now stronger. Nothing can stop me no one can stop me. You stupid Shaman"

Then he raised his hands. A small cross was hanging from his wrist in anti- position. Alina was raised from the ground. She was struggling against him. He then dropped her to the ground.

"Now, I can fully control the boy. His negativity, his desire to kill his mother made him a demon. His thirst to kill, to take revenge against all the women began but he forgot that I am superior than him. Now, I can fully control him" He said and strangled her and then stabbed her.

Till now his back was showing in the camera but he turned back and stand. He was 6 feet tall, well built, Pitch black eyes.

The clip ended there. Before I could comment on it, priest Mason tries to wake Nick up. He had fainted. I rushed to see his side.

"You can also see them?" Michael asked
He nodded.

"Nothing surprises me any more" he said

After few Nick woke up. "Are you alright?" I asked him helping him up

"Yes I am fine now. I remembered everything Ava"

"That's great then. Can you tell us about it?" Mason asked.

"I was trekking in the mountain near the abandoned tunnel that day when I crossing  the entrance of tunnel at first I thought it was some animal but I was wrong. I became curious and went inside to check. I switched on my flashlight and lit my way. Suddenly the voice stopped curious I checked here and there and found that a man was repeatedly stabbing a women. He saw me. I became scared but since my camera was on I clicked the picture and ran away. That man was still following me but he soon catched me as I tripped on the stone. I tried to go backward but he said something that luck was on his side he did not had to use the power to stop me. He was enjoying but something crashed on my head and I lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes I saw that I was tied to the chair. He was sitting in front of me. His eyes were pitch black. He said to me

Why were you there? Didn't your parents taught you anything. Not to interfere with others business. But it doesn't matter your sacrifice will be remembered.

I begged him but it was of no use. He kept me there for two days. He was loving the situation. No emotions were seen on his face. My gut feeling said that he read no normal killer but a psychopath.

I repeatedly lost consciousness. So once when I woke up I saw that the man was holding his head and was crying loudly.
He was saying to stop it. He was begging to someone. At first I thought he had Identity Dissociative Disorder but his voice changed. His eyes changed from blue to pitch black in colour. He was no human but a devil. His hands were on his neck. I thought he was strangling himself. He flew few centimetres above the ground but dropped on the floor. I thought this was an opportunity so I tried loosing the rope but I had no energy. He woke up and shook his body and muttered something that after he finds you he would get rid of him. But until then he needed to control his urge to kill him. He saw me looking at it and came to me and told about him that he was controlling his body. He told me that his thirst for revenge and desire to kill allowed him to control him. He needs to increase his powers to take the revenge and became more stronger. So stronger that he could rule this world. But he also needs to find something.

After he strangled me and them I lost my consciousness and you know the rest"

"You said he needed to find something right?" asked Priest Mason.

Nick nodded. I explained to Uncle about what Nick told me.

"Ava, we need to find the remains soon. I am sure he is also looking for it" Priest Mason said concerned.

"Remains?" Michael asked.

"Yes detective, to destroy him for good we need to find his remains and him. For that I need your help"

"I will help you, but where is the location?"

"It is buried back of the hidden temple near in the mountain near the temple. We need to find it soon."

"How did you know about it?"

He explained what his son told us.

"Ok. Detective Alan take few men with you. We got a tip about a skeleton that is buried in the mountain somewhere near the tunnel. Let's go! You all also come with me!" He shouted.


They located the culprit's house and also know how to destroy him thanks to help from his son but they need to find it before the culprit does. Right?

Stay tuned for upcoming exciting chapters!

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