Chapter 22

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"Shoot! I forgot to take my mobile phone. Please return fast!" I said desperately.

"Ava, you really clumsy. Fix this habit of yours soon, will you?Thank God we did not went far" Michael said slightly scolding.

"I am sorry" I said sheepishly.

We went back to Miss Hammington's house.

"Uncle, wait here. I'll be back soon" I said jumping of the car.

"Wait, I'll come with you!" Nick said to me.

I nodded. We started walking together when Nick abruptly stopped walking.

"What happened?"

"Something does not feel right. Let's go quietly. Ok?"

I nodded. I followed him and gave me the sign that he will go inside first and check once.

Suddenly, I heard him calling me.

"Ava! Ava! Call detective first"

I hurried inside. The door was unlocked. I went inside. I froze, my mind became blank. Miss Hammington was dead. Her body was lying helplessly bleeding on the floor. There were strangling marks on her neck and she was stabbed twice on her chest and stomache. She was dead.

"What in the world happened. What took you so much tim- Oh my God! " Michael exclaimed and ran towards her.

"Ava! Did you see anything ?" He asked me almost shouting.

"No, she was lying like this" I said to him tears forming in my eyes.

"Wait, there is a note here" Nick said picking it up from her hand.

See you soon :)

"Ah-Wha! You scared me Nick. Sometimes I forget that you are also present here.

What the heck! He is getting out of control. Nick did she told you anything" Michael said angrily looking at the note and called the police.

"He killed her. It's all my fault. If I didn't have that power this wouldn't have happened" I said slowly tears dripping down my face.

Nick hugged me and said "It's not your fault Ava. Having this power has nothing to do with it. So it's not your fault. We now need to take him down. Calm down. Hmm?"

"Nick, are you present hare? Did Miss Hammington said anything before you know.

Guys, listen to me. I'll handle this. You both visit Priest Mason now. I'll join you soon. Here is the address" Michael ordered to us.

I took the address. We nodded and went where the car was parked.

"Can you drive?" Nick asked me.

"I am fine now"

"I just asked because I don't want to be killed twice you know?" He said teasing me.

I started the car and went to the address.
We stepped out of the car.

"Wait Nick, you can't go inside. I'll have a talk with priest Mason wait for me here"

"Ok. Be careful. Ill be waiting outside for you"

I nodded and went inside the church and were greeted by a friendly looking old man.

"Hello, young lady!"

"Hello, I wish to meet Priest Mason can you tell me where can I find him?"

"You came at the right time, his is in his room. Have a seat, I'll call him for you" he said and went away.

CAN YOU FIND MY KILLER?✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ