Chapter 15 (Part 1)

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"Well it looks like your parents are home. Time for me to go" Nick said and vanished.

"Wow" He didn't even said goodbye.

I opened the door and greeted them.

"Welcome back" I said brightly.

"Hello sweetie" they replied back.

"Mhhm, I smell something good. Is it my favourite?" I asked them my eyes shining.

"Yup. I didn't feel like making anything today so will have party tonight!" My mom exclaimed.

While they went to freshen up I set the table.

"KFC is always the best" I exclaimed.

"I wish everytime you don't feel like cooking" dad said teasing mom.

"I also wish I don't have to cook for you guys but your appetite won't be satisfied unless I make you some food" my mom said.

"Well it's TRUE!!" I said and we all started laughing.

"So sweetie what are you upto these days?" Dad asked me

"Me? Nothing new. I am actually trying to complete the work that is pending and just going out with my friends. As usual" I said to them.

How can I tell you, I helping a ghost friend?

"That's great, these days children don't want to stay at home and our daughter wants to study" he said to me in teasing tone.

"You have got a great daughter dad!" I said giving him a wink.

"Well that's true" he winked back.

"But, if you go out, don't go alone please. Tell me or message about it. Ok?" Mom said suddenly getting serious.

"You know these days crime rates are so high. I don't want you to get hurt"

"Yes, your highness. I'll be fine. Who am I? A future cop" I said playfully.

"I know you are brave and fearless but I want you to be on guard"

"Sure. Don't worry"

We watched a movie together and decided to retire early, since dad needs to go hospital early and mom need to attend an early morning meeting.

"Goodnight guys" I said to them giving them a goodnight kiss.

"Goodnight sweetie. Sleep tight" they said and went to their rooms.

I went to my room and closed the door behind me.

Something caught my eyes. I saw a beautifully wrapped box kept on the table. I started unwrapping it but, I don't know why, I suddenly felt uneasy, like very.

I unwrapped it and opened the box.

"What the hell?" I shouted loudly.

The box fell down. There was an eye. A bloody eye. It was staring right at me.

The light went off. I felt a hand covering my mouth to prevent me from shouting. I started squirming and tried to remove the hand. The grip was to tight. I couldn't do any judo moves on the person. While struggling, we fell down on the floor. He started strangling me. I tried to shout out but only small voice came. I struggled and gave him quite a punch on his face. I think his nose broke. I was free but he attacked me from behind. He punched me in my stomach. It was strong. I fell on the floor. In the process the vase broke down and fell.

He grabbed my throat and said to me

"It's been a long time Ava. I didn't knew it would be you. Because of you, I had to rest for so many years. You have grown into a beautiful girl~ Bright as a moon. Don't you remember me? It's a pity. I need to kill you to take my revenge. I have been waiting for years, now it's the time. You shouldn't have interfered in my work" His voice suddenly changed.

I realised that this guy is one who killed all the women and Nick. He is sick

Suddenly, a I heard a crash.
The killer loosened his grip. I kicked him in the shin. Since, it was dark I couldn't see anything properly.

"Are you alright ?" I heard Nick saying to me.

"Yes. Don't let him, go he is the killer."

"So you are not dead huh? Today I'll make sure you are totally eradicated from this world"

He punched him with such a force that he flew to the cupboard and crashed. He started mumbling something.

"What did you do to me? Release me. Today I'll kill you. You pathetic piece of shit"

I could hear Nick struggling.

I was shocked. "You how di..? How can you see him?" I asked.
I could see a shadow coming towards me.

"You can see him. What a pair! But since you will die today, let me tell you secret. I am a psychic. I can see them. But it's a pity they can't do anything when I am killing it, because I am invincible" He said laughing coldly.

I was too shocked to say anything but recovered from it.

"Why the hell are you killing those women? You are pathetic, you know!" I shouted.

He jumped on me and started strangling me. I was going to loose my unconsciousness when I heard my parents shouting.

"Ava! Ava! open up the damn door. What is happening. Are you alright ?" My dad called out to me trying to break the door.

The killer became still and said "Well it looks like today is your lucky day. We will meet soon and share stories" He loosened up the grip and stood up.

I couldn't loose this guy. He must be arrested. I tried to stand up but couldn't do so. I could hear Nick calling out to me but the voice slowly faded out and everything became black.

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