Chapter 38: Marching On

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Pilot: Ha-ha! Hold on!

He makes another evasive maneuver as we continue taking more of the swarm down.

The ship then tips again.

Weiss: What was that?!

Pilot: We're hooked!

Y/N: Tch.

Pilot: Hold on! I got an idea!

Pilot: Literally!

He continues on and takes a dive shaking the Lancers off.

Pilot: Ha-ha!

Weiss: Can you find a pair of islands we can fit between?

Pilot: Kid, you are reading my mind!

We get between some islands.

Weiss: Y/N! Aim for the left island!

Y/N: Got it!

I fire some Fire dust making rubble fall on some of them and Y/N fires Ice taking down more of them with rubble.

Pilot: Yeah! Great going, Kids!

Pilot: We are in the clear!

Weiss: Heh-heh.

Y/N: No...there's still one left.

Weiss: Huh?

I see a Queen Lancer charging at us.

Weiss: It's a Queen Lancer!

Pilot: What?!

Me and Y/N then fire more projectiles into it having little effect.

Y/N: Damn!

I see it shell start to open it.

Y/N: It's gonna fire something!

She then gets in front of me and makes a shield made of Ice with the darts hitting the ship multiple times.

Pilot: Do something!

Weiss: Y/N get behind the crates!

Y/N: Right!

I make a Glyph and cut down the crates.

Weiss: Aim at her!

Y/N: Got it!

We both knock the crates into the Lancer with an explosion of dust.

Only for the Lancer to come out unscathed.

Weiss: [Gasp!]

Pilot: I can see the shoreline!

Pilot: Gods, we're not gonna make it!

Y/N then flies into it and stabs the Lancer in the eye.

I use the opportunity to use my summon.

Weiss: Pull up, now!

I control the summon by making it jump off and use a Glyph to disappear behind it and slash from behind.

I see Y/N join in slashing with it damaging the Lancer more with it firing a dart to the Ship's wing making it smoke.

We both then give one final slash finishing it off.

The ship starts going down as it starts slowing down with Y/N holding it up from underneath and I start to use Gravity Glyphs to slow it's momentum down more.

It then crashes with me feeling like I'm on the verge of passing out.

I her faint voices recognizing it as Y/N.

Remnant's Black Snow Hope [Under Revisions]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz