He raised his eyebrow. "We never lost to a ten-year-old child. And we certainly won't lose to you!"

I stare at the grunt, confused. Did Red never beat Team Rocket? Did Red even exist? A thought popped into my mind, was I the new Red?

It made sense to me. I came into this world right when Professor Oak was asking me, just like in the games and the Pokémon Origin story.

I was so dazed that I didn't even see that the grunt sent out a Rattata. Luckily, Haru was battling without me, and he was doing a great job too.

Rattata went down when Haru used Vine Whip, and he sent out Zubat. The blue bat with no eyes flapped its wings rapidly while whimpering.

I frowned and let Haru take care of the battle. I glanced around the dark cave, but couldn't really see any other person. The only thing I could see was the grunt, who kept glancing to his right.

I knew there was something the grunt was wanting, and I gasped. The grunt mentioned something about fossils earlier, so that must be it!

I quickly ended the battle with Haru having to use Poison Powder, I felt bad upon seeing the Zubat fall to the floor, and I made a promise that day.

The promise where I'd free every Pokémon from the organization. I could feel the Zubat's pain, it's suffering, and it's sorrow. I couldn't stand it.

The grunt fell to his knees and gripped his pokéball tightly. "H-how could I lose to a mere child?"

I called Haru back into his pokéball. "Release your Pokémon! Zubat and Rattata don't deserve to be called into your criminal organization!"

The grunt gasped but grinned. "They are evil. Why do you think I have them?"

"There isn't such a thing as a 'bad' Pokémon. Only the trainer is bad." I retorted.

The grunt smiled while placing his pokéballs on the ground. He lifted his foot and crushed the pokéballs. The material used for the pokéballs were crushed easily under his heavy foot.

It wasn't until I heard a shrill cry of pain from the broken pokéball, that's when I realized what was going on.

This man, this evil man, had killed his Pokémon. I quickly shoved him on his butt and gently picked up the broken pieces of pokéball.

"How could you..." I mumbled, tears slowly forming in my eyes. "This was a living creature!"

The grunt only smiled at my cry and disappeared into the darkest part of the cave. I sat there, staring at the lost souls of the Pokémon who wouldn't ever get another chance.

I placed the broken pieces in a pocket in my bag and continued on in the cave. I didn't stop for anything, even when my feet ache for me to quit moving.

I fell down and gripped the rocks surrounding me tightly. I let out a stream of tears and threw several rocks forward. I thought about how I could've stopped the grunt from breaking his pokéballs, I could've launched Osore at him, but I just watched.

I watched a grunt kill an innocent Pokémon. I cried out and threw another rock into the darkness.

"Ouch!" A squeal emerged from the dark.

I felt my heart stop and slowly grabbed another rock to throw. I launched the rock and quietly waited for another sound to be heard.

"Why'd you throw a second one?" The raspy high-pitched voice called out again.

I wiped away my tears. "I was making sure you weren't a ghost..."

The man gasped. "Where's the Team Rocket member?"

"I defeated him..." I mumbled.

The man gasped and clapped his hands. "You did?! Amazing! I will give you something I tried protecting!"

I tried to refuse, but the man kept insisting on it, so I reluctantly agreed. The man led me to two large rocks with strange patterns on them.

One had a shell-like shape, the roundness of the shell reminded me of Gary from Spongebob Squarepants. The other looked like a shield with small dents in the sides, almost resembling the back of an insect.

"Take your pick! The Helix Fossil? Or the Dome Fossil?" Asks the man, a huge smile on his face.

I stared at the two fossils and decided on the Helix Fossil. Its shape reminded me of my childhood favorite show and placed it in my bag.

The man stared at my belt where my pokéballs are. "You may want to check your pokéballs."

He smiled and left the cave, and he was right. Haru's pokéball was glowing faintly, so I called him out.

He was faintly glowing like his pokéball, and he was panicked. I didn't know what was happening, but Haru was gently being lifted off the ground.

"Haru!" I yelped.

The glow grew brighter and engulfed Haru into the light, the cave was actually light and I could see everything inside. None of that mattered now since Haru was trapped in the ball of light.

Suddenly, the light started fading as soon as it peaked in the air. Haru was gently lowered back down into my arms, but he was heavier than I remembered.



I gasped and ran for the nearest exit. It couldn't be! Did Haru just... evolve?!

I felt like I haven't seen the sky since last week and I saw Haru.

Instead of just a green bulb, I saw a sprouting pink flower with vivid green leaves growing out from the bulb. Haru's face looked more matured, but his eyes still had the childish look in them.

"Haru... you evolved!" I cried happily.


I hugged him tightly while looking through my Pokédex, this was among my top 10 moments of my life.

"You ready for the next gym?" I asked confidently.

Haru grinned while showing off his vines. "Saur!"

Alyssa's Adventures in the Kanto RegionWhere stories live. Discover now