Chapter 10: Return To Falmart (Gun Show)

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"He knew better to rescue them." Chief said as they all gather around the table. "If we didn't rescue them, then this would cause an international outrage from the gate. Governments from other nations would be furious that their citizens is missing and transported here for slavery."

"The worst part is, when we haven't found them in time. Nations will send their troops here and they will be turning this place like Baghdad 500 years ago." Cormack said.

"The untapped resources of this world is to valuable nations would try their best to use someone as a leverage like what they did in that hotel." Kashima said remembering the massacre the three Spartans did.

"Attention. All personnel weapons demonstration will commence in 3 mikes. I repeat weapons demonstration will commence in 3 mikes." Roland announced, his voice echoing around the base.

"Well, that's our cue." Nick Reyes said grabbing his gears and suit. "Let's go guys."

Everyone around the table begins to go in their quarters or armory and geared up for the upcoming weapons demonstration. S.C.A.R team arrived with their S.A.T.O issue Warfighter Rig. For the Spartans they were all wearing their upgraded Mjolnir armor. Sentine Team decided to go with their Stealth-Class and used their Mk.8 Stealth Nanofiber Tactical Operation Suit.

They've entered their own Pelican as they look outside to see dozens of other vehicles being transported like; Pitbull's, Warthog's, Hovertank's, Mastodon's, and several C-12 Drones. The pelicans and ravens slowly hovers off the ground for couple of seconds before the flight Aviator gives them the green light as they all made their way to Alnus base.

Location: Alnus Base
Time: 1200 Hours

In the Japanese base in Alnus Hill multiple countries from Korea, US, Russia, United Kingdom, China, French, and Germany arrived in the other side of gate to watch the weapons demonstration S.A.T.O will be showing them. There were also few countries that decided to show up like nations from both N.A.T.O and B.R.I.C.S.

There were also reporters from different countries that were allowed to pass the gate for video documentaries.

In the field were multiple target dummies are set up to be used. The runway at the moment is all cleared as they were all waiting for their arrival. "So what time are they gonna show up?" Itami asked Yanagida.

"Don't know. We can't even detect their aircraft to know if their coming or not." He replied as he as a paper in his hand. He is the person organizing the event today as several JSDF soldiers were setting up the table.

A few moments later everyone can heard a faint sound of a jet afterburner. The pelicans and raven decloaked surprising a few people around the base save for the JSDF as they've seen these aircrafts before. Camera started taking pictures of the aircraft before them as they see the incredible hover technology these dropships were using.

All dropships landed in the Japanese runway with over 8 aircrafts in total 4 ravens and 4 pelicans. In the pelicans came out marines and other branches of S.A.T.O on the pelicans magnetic latch were the T-740 Hovertanks there were 2 in total and 2 Warthogs. In the ravens came out 2 M650 Mastodon APC and in the other 2 Pitbulls.

The vehicles were parked beside the shooting range as they will be demonstrating the vehicles once they finished with the weapons. A female Sergeant came forward wearing a S.A.T.O issue Warfighter Rig her appearance made the soldiers present around her tense to see an armoured female soldier. Her flags located on her shoulder shows Mexican and Japanese showing that she is born with 2 different nationalities.

Cameras that were around the vehicles were surrounded by C-6 drones to safeguard the vehicle as cameras and reporters took a step back seeing the drone armed and are safeguarding the vehicles they brought.

Gate: Thus S.A.T.O Fought ThereHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin