The usual suspects part 2

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Darcey Winchester stood, still by the window of the small room that Sam and her were being held in.
The older girl has had enough of it.
She needed air. She needed more room. She was tired of feeling trapped.
A man soon came in, they're lawyer. He handed them a note, it was from Dean.
She smiled a bit when she saw that he thought the same thing they did, about the name Dana Shulps being in fact not a name at all, but an anagram, or in this case a street name.
"I hope that was meaningful." The lawyer says. "I'd like to discuss your case now."
Sam pointed to the other chair.
"Sure thing, Matlock." He says

Darcey though, began to pace a bit as they talked.
"You two really are brothers, aren't you?" He says
"Oh, yeah, two peas in a pod. Can we hurry this up?" Darcey says annoyed.
She really needed some air. The lawyer looked at her and sat down.
"Now, as you know..the DA might be interested in—" he started but was interrupted but a knock at the door.
They're lady cop friend was at the door,
"We need you. With the other one." She says
Darcey and Sam look to one another, she try's her hardest not to run out the door.

When they were left in the room, Sam and her made they're great escape.


In the motel, Sam looked through some papers from the station while Darcey made a quick phone call to Grayson, just to let him know that she was okay.
When she was done, she sat at the bed.
She was just about to ask Sam a question when they're was a knock at the door.
The Older and younger Winchester shared a look, when Sam went to go open it, Darcey grabbed his non hurt hand, stopping him from opening the door, worried it was the police.
"It's fine." He whispers to her going over to the door despite her protests.
When Sam opens it, they were surprised to see that it was Diana, the lady cop.
Sam let her in.

She presented her wrist to Sam to take a look.
"These showed up after you saw it?" He asked the woman.
Darcey sat on the bed, away from her, not liking that they were helping the woman who took her brother.
"Yeah, I guess." She tells him.
"All right. You're going to have to tell me exactly what you saw." He says
"You know, I must be losing my mind." She said "you're a fugitive. I should be arresting you." She tells them both.
Darcey scoffs and shakes her head.
"All right, well, you know what? You can arrest me later. After you live through this. But right now, you gotta talk to us. Okay?" He says

Diana nods, agreeing to his terms.
"Okay, great. Now, what did the spirit look like?" Sam asked

"She was..really pale. And her throat was cut. And her eyes, they were like this deep dark red. It appeared like she was trying to talk to me, but she couldn't. It was just a lot of blood." Diana tells them.

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