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(Let me know if you are liking this so far! And please kindly point out any spelling mistakes! Also let me know if your confused about anything, I will do future chapters about Darcey's past with John and so on, so please just vote and comment!)

Before making it to Palo Alto, California, where they picked  up on their dad's trail, the Winchesters have picked up Grayson from Bobby's. He quickly became friends with his new uncle. He, like Sam, enjoys reading, science and math. For some unknown reason, her son is a total nerd.

Darcey has taken Grayson on some case's. some salt and burns here and there, and he seemed okay meaning Grayson does know what his mother does. he knows about the monsters that go bump in the night. She never really wanted to tell him, but she didn't want to lie to her son about what she did for a living and why she left him from time to time.

On the drive, two out of the four WInchester's were sleeping. leaving the two eldest ones awake and alert. As Dean being the one to drive this time, Darcey and her son were in the back seat. suddenly, with a jolt, Sam sat awake, which caused Grayson to wake. He was a very light sleeper. "Sam?" Darcey asked, as she brushed Grayson's hair  Sam looked back to his sister and smiled,nodding his head, then Dean said,

"You Okay?. Another nightmare?" Sam avoided the question with a cough and a laugh. "you want to drive a little?" he asked. Darcey's mouth popped open, her jaw dropping. "all my life you have never asked me that, you don't even ask Darcey that and shed the oldest!"

Darcey nodded, " I have to force you to let me drive when it's technically my car too!"

Dean shook his head, "just thought you might want to, never mind, and Darcey, shut up." Darcey was taken aback. "well how about you shut up?" she asked in a mocking tone. Dean resorted back, " how about you shut up until we get to where we are going?"
Sam, getting annoyed by the twin banter, said, "why don't you both shut up. look, I get you both worry about me, but I'm fine, really, I'm okay." 

Darcey and Dean where not convinced but decided to let it go for now until it was to be brought up again, and Darcey knew it would be. "Where are we?" Grayson spoke up. Just then did Sam ask as well, grabbing a map off the dash board. "We are right out side Grand Junction," As The boys talked, Darcey whisper talked to Grayson. She could some what hear what they where talking about. "momma,  Where are we going?" he asked her quietly. Se handed him a book and said, "We are going, wait, Guys where are we going?" she asked the brothers.

" ah, Black Water Ridge, it's strange, theres nothing there, its just woods," Sam said

"are we going camping?" Grayson asked excitedly turning to his mom.

Darcey looked in Dean's eyes threw the review mirror. "Yeah buddy, something like that." Dean said.


Stopping at the local ranger station the Winchester's make there way in. Grayson leaving Darcey's side to look around. Sam spots a 3D map of where they are. "it pretty remote,—,"
"Grayson, check out the size of this bear!"

The boy ran up to the bear and uncle.

" wow!" he said. Looking at the bear, the boys and Darcey turn when they hear a voice behind them. "you fellas aren't planning to head up to Black Water Ridge are you?" the ranger asked. they turned, " no sir, we're environmental majors from university of boulder, just working on a paper," Sam came up with on the spot.

Embrace The Flames // BOok 1 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora