Devil's Trap

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"They got Dad and Grayson

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"They got Dad and Grayson." Dean says as he hangs up.

"Meg?" Sam questions

Darcey was trying really hard. She knew now wasn't the time to explode, she needed to figure out with her brother's a way to save her son and father before it's too late.

"What'd she say?" Sam asked Dean, who said back,

"I just told you, Sammy."

Dean wiped his face, then looked to his sister who was barley holing it together less than he was. "Okay." he said and grabbed the Colt. He then went to the bed where their bag of weapons were.

"Dean, what are you doing?" Darcey asked her brother.

"we gotta go." is what he said

"What?" Darcey asked the same time Sam asked him why.
"The demon knows we're in Salvation. All right., it knows we got the Colt. It's got Dad and Grayson. it's coming for us." Dean says as he puts on his jacket.

"Good. we've got three bullets left." Sam says, "listen, we're not ready. We don't know how many of them are out there. Now we're no good to anybody dead."

"we're leaving. Now."


As Dean drives, he goes over any speed known to man. Darcey holds on to the door handle as they make a sharp turn. The boys begin to talk, but Darcey is to scared for her life to talk with them.

"I'm telling you, we could've taken them." Sam says

"What we need is a plan." Dean tells them. "They're probably keeping them alive . Just gotta figure out where. They'll trade them for the gun." Dean tells them

from the back, Darcey could feel the fight brewing.

"what?" Dean asked when he could tell something was on Sam's mind. "Dean, if that were true.. why didn't Meg mention a trade?" he asked.

Darcey sat up now, at this point she just wanted her son and everyone to be together and happy for once, thought she knew that was a very low wish.

"Dad, he might be--and if he is then--" Sam starts.

"Don't. Because if we find Dad dead, we find my Grayson dead. And we are not going to be walking into that kind of situation." Darcey told both of the Brothers.

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