The usual suspects

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( I'm going to be switching time frames like they do in this episode! But I'll tell you when it's then and now,
Enjoy the chapter!)

A woman and man waited in their motel room. One paces as the other packs they're things.
She bites her nails as the door to the room burst open and a red laser is pointed at they're chest.
Their hands raise up, men in black swat suits and guns come running into the room, shouting at them.

When a lady walks in, gun raised,
"Going somewhere, Darcey and Sam?"
She asked

Now, In a white stone room, Darcey and Sam sat by the window.
The older Winchester practically having a panic attack when they tried to separate her and her brother.
The girl bounces her foot as she looked to the door when the same lady that arrested them walking in carrying coffee's and a file.
"Thought you might be thirsty." She says placing the cups in front of them.
Darcey was, in fact really thirsty, her nerves craved coffee, or anything for that matter. But she stood back and let Sam do the talking.
"Oaky, so you're the good cop." He says
"I let you be together, didn't I?." She says and jesters to them.
"So, where's the bad cop?" Sam asked
"Oh, he's with your brother."
"Okay. And your holding us why?"
"He's being held on suspicion of murder. And you two? We'll see."
"Murder?" Darcey decides to ask
"You sound genuinely surprised. Or are you that good an actor?" The cop asked

"Who's he supposedly to have murdered?" Sam asked
"We'll get to that."
"Well you can't just hold us here without formal charges." Sam says
"Well, actually, we can for 48 hours. But you being a pre-law student, you would know that." She says to Sam. "I know all about you two. Sam, you're 23 and Darcey's 27. No job, no home address, single mother,sons whereabouts unknown." she says looking to Darcey, who only shrunk back at the thought of Grayson, knowing that he was safe with Bobby right now gave her the comfort she needed right now.
"You lost your mother at 4 and when Sam was just a baby. Your fathers whereabouts are unknown as well. And then there's. your brother, Dean. Younger twin to Darcey here by a mere 5 minutes, who's demise was, well, just a little bit exaggerated. Feel free to jump in wherever you like." She says turning to the Winchester's.
Sam leans against the wall. While Darcey stays at her spot near the window.
"Shy? No problem, I'll keep going." She said
"Your family moved around a lot when you were a kid. Despite that, you both actually were straight-A students. Sam got into Stanford with a full ride. "

Darcey was thankful that they didn't bring up what happened to her, knowing if they did find out about her past, and have proof, Dean would definitely go down for murder. The Winchester's really did know how to cover they're tracks, but clearly not as well as they thought all things concerning.
"Then, about a year a ago, there was a fire in your apartment. One fatality, Jessica Moore, your girlfriend. After she died, you fell of the grid. Left behind everything." She continues
"I needed some time off." Sam finally says . "To deal. So I'm taking a road trip with my sister and brother."

"How's that going for you?" She asked
"Great. I mean, we saw the second largest ball of twine in the continental U.S." Sam said sitting down. "Remember that?" He turned and asked his sister
"Oh, yeah. Very, awesome. Crossed that one off my bucket list." She says
Sometime, when she was nervous, she her sacredness was taken over by her sarcasm.
The lady cop moved over closer to Sam.
"We ran Dean's fingerprints through AFIS."
"Okay." Sam said
"Got over a dozen possible hits." She says
"Possible hits." Sam says "which makes them worthless." Darcey says
"But makes you wonder. What are we gonna find when we run your prints?" She asked looking at the two.
"Yeah. Well, you be sure to let us know, all right?" Sam said. "May I?" He asked pointing to the coffee. He picked it up and took a sip.
"You two Democrats like good kids. It's not your fault Dean's your brother. We can't pick our family. Right now, detectives in St. Louis are exhuming a corpse. They're trying to figure out how your brother faked his own death..after torturing all those young women. Dean's a bad guy. His life is over. Yours doesn't have to be."
It took everything in Darcey not to jump in and defend Dean. The way she was talking about him made her blood boil.
"You want us to turn against our own brother?" Sam asked
"No. We already caught him cold. Red-handed at the Karen Giles murder scene. We just need you to fill in some missing pieces." She says
"Why would I do that?"
The cop sat down.
"Because I can talk to the DA. Make a deal for you. You can get in with your life. Dean's as good as gone." She tells him.
Darcey starts to pace as Sam starts to talk.
"My dad and Tony Giles were old friends. They were in the service together. We've known him fiancé we were kids, you know? So we came as soon as we heated about his death."

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