The other special Winchester

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(This is going to be a different type of chapter.
It's going to be in first person POV, and it's not going to follow the plot of any episode.
I apologize because I know the time line for when Darcey is kidnapped and when Grayson is born are wrong, if someone wants to help me come up with a better timeline that be my guest!
Anyway, this chapter is going to be all about why and when Darcey was taken and it's going to go thought the days she was there until Dean saves her and her pregnancy, leading up to Graysons birth. Not really going into full detail, but enough to get the picture.
Also there probably won't be a lot of dialogue.
So hold on tight, it's about to get a bit everywhere so bear with me!


Darcey Winchester —when she was taken.


I sat, my hands bound to each other. I couldn't move them. Around me was a single mattress and a small, thin looking blanket. My clothes were changed and I was wearing a old, ratty brown dress that actually had a few holes in it.
The room was dark, only a small window with bars on it gave the smallest amount of light.
I don't know how many days I've been here already.
Dean was probably looking for me, worried out of his mind.
We were just at a bar, celebrating, when he came up to me started chatting me up and then, I woke up, not in this room, but a different one, one like a hotel room.
The bed was big, big enough for probably three people.
But it was just me, naked, and unaware of my surroundings.
Not long after I woke up did he walk in, dress me in this dress, and place a bag over my head, dragging me out only to have myself wake up in this horrid room.
I was so weak that he had all the power over me.
I was left alone for the most part of my stay there.
I was alone with my thoughts and fears.
Sam had been gone for a year, My father and I were fighting a bit more and I hated that because I was such a daddy's girl when I was younger, but that changed when Sam left.
On the bright side, I had Dean. Until I didn't.

One day, after being alone for a while, he eventually made an appearance for the first time.
"Why, hello Darcey, I'm Frank, as you know, And this here, is my buddy Benny." He said to me, a small laugh left his dry lips.
I lifted my head up, "What do you want with me?" I asked them. My voice shaky and barely loud enough for them to hear me, but they did.
"Oh, my dear. I have big plans for you." Frank said, giving me a crooked smile
I shuddered in return.I hated that smile.

From then on, every other day, when I woke up, Frank would take me into a different room, and place me on a chair.
My wrist were tired as well as my ankles, and he would take out a needle, filled with a weird looking red liquid, and inject me with it.
When he didn't do that, he left me alone, or beat me until I went unconscious.
And when I wasn't alone, I was with Benny. And what Benny's done to me, I wish not even on my worst enemy.

Between the injections, beatings, and my visits with Benny, I had no recollection of time. Not until Frank told me that it had been one month, and then it was two.

I cried myself to sleep most night, others, I woke up screaming. Most nights though, most nights I didn't bother to try.

There was one night, when I was just finished with one injection, and a short beating from Frank, Benny showed up. He grabbed me ruffly by the hair and practically dragged me out of the room and into another.
This room was bigger then any other I've been in.
It had big windows and a big bed. A flat screen tv hung on the wall under a dresser.
Benny then dropped me to the ground, gave me one kick, and picked me up again.
He placed me on the bed.
The next morning I woke up back in my room.

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