PILOT Part 1

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Darcey was sitting in the front of the impala. she bobbed her head to the music that was blasting. She hummed along as she watched the scenery changed from houses to trees and back to houses.

"So where exactly are we going when we should be looking for dad?" she asked her brother.

Dean looked over to his sister then back to the rode. "I told you, we're getting back up" sighing at his not so detailed response, she looked back out the window.

By nighttime, they stopped at a building. Dean got out of the car and Darcey followed. "Dean, what the hell are we doing?"

Rolling her eyes, she helped him open the window. As they snuck around this unknown place, in the dark. Hearing a thud, she let out a gasp as Dean started to fight someone. The grunts of the two men put Darcey on edge. Soon though, it stopped with someone being thrown down on the floor. "Easy tiger,"
Dean laughed.

"Dean?" She heard Sam, her baby brother say.
"I'm here too" Darcey said as she stepped out of the shadows. "Darcey?"

"you guys scared the crap out of me."

"that's because you're out of practice." The twins said together laughing. Sam then took his chance to flip his brother into the position that he was previously in. "or not, get off me." when he got off of Dean, Sam walked up to Darcey and gave her a hug. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" He asked looking between his brother and sister.

"what, siblings can't visit?" Darcey shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "well I was looking for a beer," dean said,

Darcey watched her brothers and sighed. She knew now why Dean wouldn't tell her where they where going. If Dean told her they were going to get Sam, he probably knew that she would try and convince him not to ruin their little brothers free from monster's life.
She's always envied him for it. She wished she had the guts to do what Sam did, but she loved her dad and twin way too much to ever leave them.

When a light turned on, a blond girl came into view wearing pink shorts and a smurf's top. Darcey suddenly felt nerves in the girls presents. "Sam?" she asked.

"Jess, hey,"

"Dean, Darcey, this is my girlfriend Jessica" Dean smirked Jessica smiled, "as in your brother and sister?" she asked.
"I love the smerf's,-"
"no, you don't, you said papa smerf gives you the creeps," Darcey laughed. Remembering when she would watch the old show and Dean would beg her to turn it off.

After giving his twin a glare, he continued, "I gotta tell you, your way out of my brothers league."

"let me just go put something on,"

"no, no. I wouldn't dream of it, seriously,"

Darcey laughed and smiled at her brother, "Ah Dean..." she started

Dean looked over, knowing he needed to get back on track just by the look on his sister's face.

"anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here to talk about some family things, but ah, nice meeting you."

Sam looked to his sister and brother. "no, what ever you need to say to me, you can say it in front of her," Darcey sighed. She knew this was a bad idea. She knew she shouldn't have let Dean drag her here, Sam was happy, he didn't want to be in danger or have anxiety like she did. But she didn't want to crush Deans hopes in bringing the family back together.

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