All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2

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Walking out of the rubble, the twins and Bobby make they're way back to the car.
"This is—" Bobby starts
"What the hell did Ash know?" Dean asks
"We've got no way of knowing where Ellen is it if she's even alive." Dean says

"We have no clue what Ash was going to tell us. Now how the hell are we going to find Sam?" Dean continues.
Darcey paces from beside Bobby as she hears her brother speak. 
"We will find him." She said
Suddenly, Dean grunted and placed his hands on his head.
Darcey went up to her brother and placed her hands on his shoulders .
"Dean?" She says
"No." He said
He kept his hands on his head as he shook it,
"What was that?" Bobby asks
"I don't know. Headache." Dean says
"You get headaches like that a lot?" Bobby asked
"No. Must be the stress." Dean says
Darcey shook her head, she didn't believe that.
"I could've swore I saw something though." He said
"Saw something?" Darcey says
"What do you mean, like, visions? Like Sam gets?" Bobby asks

"What? No." Dean says
"I'm just saying.
"Come on. I'm not some psychic." Dean said
He then held his hand to his head again, Darcey rubbed his
Back as she holds his other hand as he grunts in pain.
"Dean? Dean." Bobby says going over to him. "Are you with me?" Bobby ask playing his hand on the back of Dean's neck.
Breathing deeply, Dean says
"Yeah. I think so. I saw Sam. I saw him."

"So it was a vision." Bobby said
"But how?" Darcey asked
"I don't know." Dean says, he let out another ragged breath.
"That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels." Dean said looking up to Bobby.
Darcey continues to rub his back, soothingly.

"What else did you see?" Bobby asked
"Uh...there was a bell."
"What kind?"
"Uh, like a big bell with.. some kind of engraving on it, I don't know." Dean says
"Engraving?" Bobby says
"Was it a tree? Like an oak tree?" Bobby randomly asks
Dean looked back up to Bobby,
"Yeah. Exactly." Dean said

"I know where Sam is." Bobby tells them.
"What?" Darcey asks


Sam and Jake were trying to get a piece of an old tractor thing they had found.
Sam tiredly hit a part with hit iron rod as Jake pulled.
When a pice broke off, Sam looked to jake impressed.
"I'm— I'm not like Superman or anything. It's not a big deal." He tells Sam.
"You were in Afghanistan when this started?" Sam asks
"Yeah, I started to get headaches. And then, uh..there was this accident. This guy flipped his vehicle on a bad road. He got pinned underneath. I lifted off him like it was nothing. And everyone said It was a fluke adrenaline thing." Jake tells Sam.

"But then you did it again, correct?" Sam says
"Bench pressed 800 pounds. Stone-cold calm."
Sam let out a scoff, "I never told anybody, of course. It's just too crazy. " Jake tells more.

"Yeah, but crazy's relative." Sam said to him.
"Yeah. I'm starting to get that."


"By the way, I, uh, appreciate what you're doing here. " Jake said

"What am I doing?"

"Keeping calm. Keeping them calm. Especially concerning how freaked out to hell you really are. I've been in some deep crap before myself. I know the look." Jake says

"You want to know the truth? I got this brother, right? I have a sister, too, but—anyway, my brothers always telling me how he's going to watch out for us..for me. How everything's going to be okay, Kind of like I'm telling them." Sam says knowing how dean would be in this situation.
"Yeah?" Jake asks to elaborate more.
"I don't know if I believe it this time. I mean, the size of what's coming. It's bigger that anyone's ever seen. I mean, it's going to get bad. And I don't know if—"

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