What is and What Should Never Be

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Okay, I really had to think because I wasn't sure if I wanted to do the episodes before this one or not.
But after much debating, I decided to just skip to this episode because it's going to be an interesting one for Darcey's character.... so... please let me know what you think, i really hope people are liking this otherwise my hard work means nothing...

So please don't be a silent reader.!

Here we go!



Darcey sits on the bed, the tv on quietly as the mother and son watch a random program that was on at this late hour.
She watched Sam go over to the window.
"There's a car outside. I'm calling Dean." He says to her as he pulled out his phone.
"There's a cop car outside." She hears Sam say.
The older sister let out a sigh. The boys were now fugitives because of they're work in the prison so now they were staying low...very, very low.
Darcey wanted to be with her son in case they could trace anything back to her and him or something. She played with the boys dirty blond hair.
He was getting older and bigger by the day and she was tired of not seeing him grow up like she wanted to.
He was taller for a now seven year old and even smarter then before.
He still didn't really know much about the hunting life, and they were both okay with that.
" they're leaving. False alarm." Sam says

Dean and Sam continued they're conversation, Darcey mostly paying attention to Grayson, who was focusing on the tv.
"We're hunting a jinn." Sam tells Dean.

Darcey looked to Sam, knowing what he was talking about because she helped him look it up with him before she took her break.
She then moved her attention back to the tv, when Sam hung up the phone.
"What?" Darcey says not looking away from the screen
"He's going out alone." Sam says to her
"Is he stupid?" She asks
"I mean, why—" She starts to say, only for Sam to turn to her and tells her to calm down.
"Look, I know. But I'm sure he'll be fine. In an hour we'll give him a call." Sam says to his sister.
Darcey let's out a long sigh and nodded
"Fine. In one hour. And if he doesn't pick up, we're going after him." She tells him
Sam nodded him self and sat on the bed with her.
"So, what are we watching?" He asks

"A documentary about the ocean." Grayson says


Dean woke up with a gasp. He looked around and saw that a tv was on, and what seemed to be a naked woman in the bed beside him.
Confused, he got up and found some clothes and put them on, and exited the room.
Turing on the light in what appears to be the living room, The second Winchester pulled out his phone. Ignoring what seemed to be messages from Darcey and Sam, he called his brother.
"Dean?" Sam answers "what's going on?" He asks
"I don't know where I am." Dean says whispering.
"What? What happened?"
"Well, the jinn, it attacked me." Dean tells him
"The gin? Your drinking gin?"
"No, ass-hat, the jinn. The scary creature, remember? It put its hand on me and then I woke up next to some hot chick." Dean explains
"Who? Carmen?" Sam says
"Who?" Dean asked having no idea who the girl was.
"Dean, your drunk-dialing" Sam tells his brother
"I'm not. Quit screwing around, put Darcey on the phone."
"Darcey's on a plane right now coming in from Canada, remember? She'll be here tomorrow. It's late, Dean. Just get some sleep and we'll see you later, okay?" Sam says
"Wait, Sam. Sam.. what's she doing in Canada?" He says as his brother hangs up.
Dean held the phone and looked down to the table beside him.
On there, a few pieces of mail lingered.
He picked them up and went through them, noticing the address.
"Lawrence?" He questions out loud,
"What the hell?" He says
"Honey?" A soft voice in the distance calls out.
"What are you doing up?" The beautiful girl in a purple robe asks him.
"Hey. Carmen. Carmen, uh, I just, uh—" Dean stammered Out
"Oh, you couldn't sleep, huh?" She says placing her two hands on his chest.
"Yeah ha-ha." He says
"Well, why don't you come back to bed and let's see if I can do anything to help?" She says moving her hands up to his neck.
"Sure. Yeah, in a minute. You go ahead." He says, though tempted to go right away, he needed to figure out what the hell was going on.
"Okay. Don't stay up to long." Carmen tells him.
"No." Dean says.
Dean was Surprised when she placed her lips on his.
Kissing back, he then watched as she walked back into the bedroom.

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