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( look at my photoshop skills!) I love it 😂!!.

(Sorry, writing action is kinda hard for me, so sorry in advance if it's terrible!!🙈)



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The Winchester's pull up to a dark creepy house.
The fog tonight increased the ambiance of a horror film.
When Dean killed the engine, they got out of the car and went to get their guns ready. "What do you have those amped up to?" Sam asked asked
"A hundred thousand volts." Darcey answers
"Damn" Sam says
"I want this Rawhead extra crispy." Dean said to them "remember, you only get one shot with these things." Dean told them
"So make it count."
Closing the trunk, the siblings made their way into the house.

With flashlights and guns in hand, they make their way down the steps into the bacement.
Looking from left to right, the clattering is what makes them cautious.
Slowly walking to a closet where the noise was coming from, the Winchester's approach.
When Dean counts to three, he opens it, revealing two scared children. "Is it still here?" Sam asked them they nod
Quickly picking them up, Darcey moves out.
"Go with her okay,"
Getting halfway up the stairs, something grabs Darcey's foot, which made her fall down the wooden steps.
Dean shots behind the stairs and shouts to Darcey.
"Get them out of here!" He told her
Not letting her worry take over, she rushes to the kids, not without giving her gun to Sam who threw it to Dean.
"Why didn't you go with him!" Darcey said as she and Sam got the kids out. "He's fine!" Sam told her

Meanwhile, Dean shone his light everywhere, not seeing the threat anywhere at the moment, but before he could even shot, the monster pushed Dean out of the way, making him drop the gun and fall into water.

When Dean could reach his gun, he pointed it at monster.
When he did, the monster stepped into the water he was in, Dean shot it, the electricity making its way though water
And into Dean.
Hearing his screams, Sam and Darcey rush down.
Seeing his brother lying on the ground, "Dean!" Darcey yelled
She crouched down to his Level, "Dean?" she asked again.
"Dean?" This time, Sam asked as he went over to him and tried to get him up.
He wouldn't move.


At the hospital, Darcey was a crying mess as Sam handled checking their brother in.
A nurse said,
"Sorry, I have ask. There's doesn't se to be any insurance on file."
"Right, um..." Sam pulled out a fake credit card and gave it to her.
"Okay, Mr. Burkowitz."she said.
Sam pulled Darcey into his side as turned to the police.
"Look, we can finish this up later." One of them said
"No, no, it's okay. We were just taking a shortcut through the neighbourhood..our windows were down and we heard screaming. And we stopped, ran in.—"
"And you found the kids in the basement?" The cop asked
"Yeah." Sam said
"Well, thank God you did."
Seeing the doctor that is assigned to Dean, "excuse us." He said and dragged Darcey away.
She hasn't said a thing, all she's done it cry.
"Hey, doc, is he—and?" Sam asked
Darcey held on to Sam tighter.
She couldn't live knowing her brother could be dead.
"He's resting." The doctor said
"The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. " He informed them
Darcey tried her best to hold back a sob.
She could already feel the tears. "His heart, it's damaged."
"How damaged?" Sam asked

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