[190] Slide Away [RQ]

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Prompt: Based on Miley Cyrus's song 'Slide Away' where Niall realizes it's time he needs to move on from Liam after all the fights and disagreements they've had.

Warning: No Happy Ending, this time.

Requested by: njhrainbow

Liam was working until seven that day, giving Niall one last kiss before the latter male had realized how painful the last month has been for them. He gazed at the ring on his finger for the entire day while sitting in bed, heart racing over how short their marriage has been and yet he wants it to end.

Niall has changed dramatically since he and Liam were young, back when the two of them were only 17 years old. He was gullible, fragile, and innocent to the core. He gave into nothing but Liam's constant desires and expectations, and they were still in love, in perfect harmony for those several amounts of years that included many first times between them.

Even though there have been plenty of benefits and good moments within their relationship, Liam expects Niall to stay the same and not grow up like a mature adult. Niall wasn't much of a party-goer or socially active, but it's all changed. Liam missed spending every waking moment with Niall, not worrying about him being gone once he comes back home from work.

Niall has grown into his mid-twenties alongside Liam and since then, he's realized how important it was to express himself and do what brings him joy without having to worry. He loves Liam and he always will, but he has to let him go for his own sanity.

When he hears the front door open and close, he knew that this was the beginning of heartbreak and tears for both of them. He stands from the bed and begins packing in order to begin their awaited conversation, holding back any sort of emotional reactions that'd come out of packing his belongings for good.

Liam steps into the bedroom, frowning immediately when stepping up to Niall who's stood at the end of the bed. “What are you doing,” he asked. “Are we going on a vacation?” His eyes light up in excitement, earning a heavy exhale and a strong gaze.

“I'm packing my things because I'm leaving.” Niall remained firm and calm while he stepped to and from his dresser.

“Leaving? Are you leaving me- what's going on?” Liam's tone of voice turned shaky. He was trying to reach out for Niall, but he didn't want to leech into his grasp like always.

“I realized that once upon a time, we were really good for each other. At one point, we were blissfully happy and completely in love to the point where we couldn't leave each other's sides, but all of that has changed now. I can't be who I was years ago, I have to grow up and mature, and I know that isn't what you want when it comes to who I am.” Niall continued to hold back some tears while Liam's arms were crossed, brow furrowed and eyes welling up with small droplets of tears.

“I... I don't know what to say...” He was being honest, mouth agape in thought of how to react while Niall continued to pack everything within a few, large suitcases. “I can't imagine my life without you,” he eventually continued. “You've been in my life for nine years now. We've made so many memories together, and you're just throwing it all away? Why?”

Niall sighs, zipping the second to last suitcase before he'd leave the man he thought he'd cherish and love forever. “It's because you're stuck in the mindset you were in when we were 17. Maybe when you realize that people can change, we will find each other again someday, but that isn't likely now.” He piles in his amenities that didn't belong to Liam in the final suitcase, the first two holding his clothing.

Liam bites his bottom lip, feeling a tear slip down his right cheek quickly. “But I don't want you to grow, I can change for you, I can, I-”

“No, you can't!” Niall was tired of holding it in, voice booming against the pale walls. “You can't,” he mutters before sighing and clenching his jaw. “You've said that so many times before, but it seems you forget every time, and I'm stuck trying to continue to impress you with my love and appreciation. It's not going to work anymore if this still happens in years to come, I can't handle it.” Niall maneuvers swiftly in order to finally leave and take a break from something he's learned to disapprove of.

Liam shakes his head. “I can't believe this...” Liam sits on the bed, rubbing the palms of his hands together anxiously while trying his best not to gaze over at Niall. “I don't think I'll ever find someone who will make me as happy as you did.” A car horn goes off right outside the house, but Liam doesn't acknowledge it as Niall zips his last suitcase closed.

Niall steps up to Liam and brings him into a hug, knowing it'd be wrong to not even hold him one last time. Liam stands and holds him close, eyes fallen shut as he grabs ahold of him one last time while tears slip through their closed lids.

“I'll always love you,” Liam mutters while rubbing Niall's back, realizing that Niall has placed his ring down on the bedside table, which breaks his heart even more than he thought could happen at that point.

Niall could only smile, eventually pull back from the hug, and wipe away the tears from Liam's face. “Goodbye, Liam.” With one last gaze, he hears Louis, his best friend and now roommate, enter the room to help with the suitcases. He waited until the moment was finished, of course.

Niall gives Louis a short nod and follows him out of the room with the suitcases, closing the door behind him and leaving Liam alone for good. That was the time they saw each other.

Niall unpacked his clothing in his room, hesitantly placing a photo that entails him and Liam when they were 17 on his new dresser. That was their prime, being so young and innocent at the time.

Louis walks in a few moments later, noticing the photo right away while he put on a gentle smile. “You two were really cute, but I understand why it had to end.” He gazes at the photo while Niall smiled a little as well.

“Maybe one day we'll see each other again, but I hope that he'll find someone who can make him happy. I can't be that person anymore, and he should realize that soon enough.”

Louis nods. “He will, he'll learn to let you go.”

Niall sighs in relief, eyes locked on the image before him.

“You're right, we're grown now.”


Author's Note: Poor babies, but you don't have to worry! The next one-shot will be cute and a bit spicy :) Thanks for reading and I love you all x

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