[207] College Party [RQ] [!]

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Prompt: A new, college peer named Liam settled into a party, and Niall immediately finds him alluring to the point of desire and need.

Contains: Top!Niall/Bottom!Liam

Requested by: nj211003


College life felt simple for Niall. He freshened up each morning, worked through classes, and always ended up partying later in the evening after his studying and homework hours.

His first couple of years were tamer, but it became more intense once he turned twenty-one. His adulthood hit him hard, and he wanted to savor every second of bliss possible.

During one of those nights of partying, Niall found himself mingling with most of his peers and drinking a bottle each hour. His body was made to handle alcohol, as he never once felt fazed by the potent and addictive taste.

"Hey, have you heard about that new Junior? He just transferred here from London. His name is Liam, I think? People think he's quite the snack."

Niall overheard this from Zayn who was talking to Louis, an idea sparking in his head as he stumbled over to them with a gleeful smile.

"Liam, huh? Have you seen him around?"

The pair rolled their eyes, already knowing what Niall had planned for the newcomer.

"I just saw him in the kitchen a few minutes ago, getting something else to drink besides this toxic waste. Don't ruin your chance, Horan."

Niall laughed a little at Louis's sentiment, kissing him on the head before turning on his heel.

"When have I ever done such a thing, Tommo?"

With that, he made his way towards the kitchen, ignoring the groans from his two friends while a faint smile was across his buzzed expression.

He stepped into said kitchen and noticed a brunette male wearing a black v-neck top, pink converse, and jeans that hugged his lower body just right. Niall was already enthralled.

"So, you're the Liam that everybody has been talking about? 'm Niall."

Liam turned and smiled at him, shaking his hand as he held a cup of juice in the other.

"It's nice to meet you. I've heard lots about you, some of it not so pleasant, but I'd like to judge your character myself. I'm not disappointed so far if that's shocking to you."

Niall chuckled, a sly smirk replacing the once simple smile as he stepped up to Liam who stood at a similar height, give or take a few inches.

"Not at all. I'm known for being quite the looker and well, college whore to some. But if I feel like a guy could be the one, I give him a chance."

Liam chuckled softly. "I see. Quite the confident Virgo, are you. I could tell by the way you sauntered in here."

Niall's brow. "Oh, yeah? You're quite the bottom yourself. Cheeky and sassy, I like that. Didn't expect someone with your stature to ooze such submissiveness. It's quite enticing."

Liam licked his lips and eyed up Niall's figure, feeling his heart skip a beat.

"Would say the same about your stature, being an evident top, but damn. You've got nice arms."

Liam sat his cup on the marbled table and moved his hands along both of Niall's arms, moaning a little at how perfect they felt.

"Are you sober enough to have a little fun?"

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