[193] Online Gaming

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A/N: Hello! It's been a while since I've written here, so I hope this one will make up for my absence! Please excuse my rustiness as well, just haven't been too keen on writing. Be sure to leave some love x


Niall always enjoyed his time alone after class in university. He was able to boot up his console and play with friends until the crack of dawn on weekends, especially during this Friday night.

As soon as he got online, his friend, Louis, invited him to a party. He settled the headset onto his head while lounging in his comfortable chair, accepting the invite to see someone new in the group.

“Ah, you're finally on! Niall, I want you to meet Liam. We met him during a match today and he's pretty chill.”

“It's nice to meet you,” a smooth voice spoke through Niall's headset. It sent tingles down his spine, and he did best to compose himself.

“Same here. Hopefully, you aren't here to steal my friends away.”

Liam laughed softly. “I could never do that to a person, was just hoping to make some new friends and finally have a place of comfort when I get online. Louis reassured me that I could fit in and get close to you, as well.”

“Did he?” Niall knew what Louis was doing, but he couldn't follow up on the evident plan. Or should he? “Louis knows I can talk a lot, but I'm not much of a people person IRL, it's tough. I have extreme anxiety and whatnot.”

Liam exhaled. “Well, I hope I can help with that. I'm a people person myself, so I think our opposing natures can come together and make something good happen. That is the goal at least, as I enjoy breaking people out of their shells.”

Niall smiled at that. “Sounds like a lovely idea. I like you already.” He had to admit it, and he knew what Louis was thinking at this point in the conversation. Niall knew he shouldn't get attached, though.

For the next few days, Niall anticipated talking with Liam about anything while playing games together. It was like a breath of fresh air for him, being able to talk about whatever he wanted to someone who could understand him. He felt safe and comforted, more than when he talked with his other friends.

This intense feeling couldn't hold him back from instantly falling for him, heart racing whenever he heard his voice or got sent a simple selfie. It was like he got shot by cupid, becoming transfixed to Liam.

“I've just got over a heartbreak, well, trying to...” Liam responded when Niall asked about his relationship status. “She just suddenly dropped what we had over text and my life crumbled right there. I thought she was the one for me, but I guess not.”

Niall's heart broke a little at the female pronoun, but he brushed it off, for now, to avoid ruining the conversation. “I'm sorry to hear that, but you shouldn't rely on that girl to control your emotions. There are other people in the sea to choose from, you just haven't found the right one... yet.”

Liam chuckled a little. “You're right. I just become extremely attached to who I'm dating at the time. I want to be the one who makes them happy, make them feel loved to the point where they don't look at anybody else in the same way. I'm a true simp, I guess you can say.”

Niall had to laugh at that. “There's nothing wrong with that. I'm a total simp as well, it's kind of in my nature to grow attached to my boyfriends.” Especially Liam, who even isn't his.

Liam let out a sigh of relief. “I'm glad I can finally resonate with someone who understands what I go through. My personality can throw a lot of people off, but I guess that's why I've gone through a lot of hardships in my life. I'll discuss them with you later on, of course. I just need to be in a better state of mind.”

Niam One-Shots 2 ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें