[181] Secret Love [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall is a secret agent with Liam being his distant protector, designed to make sure he's safe and sound. He'd do whatever it takes for Niall's complete safety.

Requested by: yoshi_1998

Niall joined the secret agency workforce at a decently young age of 22. He worked well with anybody, having a tremendous amount of knowledge circling around in his head at all given times. He knew when to make use of the brain he had in any given situation that required his utmost attention, even when he found himself struggling against a person who's working against him.

It's wishful thinking that he could protect himself at all times, but Niall has someone on standby to save him if a certain altercation becomes hectic and risky. Liam's constantly on alert when waiting in his and Liam's small, unsuspicious vehicle which is parked close enough for him to invade on the particular commotion that Niall finds within confrontations.

On a late-night, Niall was assigned to eradicate a hefty amount of drugs left within a home inhabited by big named gang leaders who shared a large space together. Niall knew this provided a lot of effort and diligence which is why he asked Liam to come along with him from the start in order to have an easier operation.

“They're going to have guns if they come home tonight, and we need to be more than careful with every move we make throughout the huge establishment. One false slip can lead to extreme trouble and chaos, so-”

“I know this, we don't need to go over it every single time. I've been doing the gig for five years now.” Niall huffs at Liam's concern and knowledge, flicking off the house's power with the fusebox in the basement. They crawled through a single-window that was already open and accessible.

Liam clenched his jaw. “I just want you to be safe. The reason I took this job was to keep my client safe and content at all times. If you get hurt, then I could never live with myself. You're my top priority and have been these past few gears since we have worked together. Nothing is going to change the way I view and feel about you.”

Niall sighs and opens the only door that leads into the actual interior, the whole design memorized in his head. “We can talk more about those feelings later since you never seem to care enough when it comes to our time away from work.” He smiles big then immediately lets it fall. “For now, we have to get in and get right back out of here within the next few minutes.”

Liam nods, following right behind him through the few different corridors they found themselves traveling through during the pitch black of night. He eventually closed a door behind him, the other side revealing a safe that Niall already had a code for from a previous night of investigation.

After he opens the metal encasement, he secures the illegal drugs into a decently sized duffle bag and hands it to Liam who carried it with complete ease. Even though the case seemed easy, exiting appeared to be their worst feat.

With an unlocking of a front door, Niall and Liam were quick to toss the bag out of the nearest window before jumping right out onto a bushel of bright green grass. With careful maneuvers, Liam and Niall slipped past any sort of light and entered their dark vehicle where Liam turned it on and slammed the gas away from such a toxic and scary place.

Niall's heart rate quickened soundly at his chest, a few drops of sweat making their way down his face and onto the duffle bag which would be taken down to headquarters.

“That was a close one, huh? Could've been shot instantly if it weren't for your catlike reflexes.” A bright smile shone on Liam's face as he spoke, looking over at Niall when finally stopping at a red light near their next destination for the night.

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