The vigilant shifted ever so slightly, and Yamada (who was still behind him) saw the phone that was being held behind his back. He didn't even know where the phone had come from, let alone when he got it behind his back. However, Wolf Spider's phone was on and had a very clear notification visible on the screen.

Are you sure you want to send your location to Tsukauchi Naomasa?

Present Mic caught on, the vigilant somehow knew that Mic had no backup, so Yamada carefully reached forward and tapped 'send'. Yet Hizashi missed some of the conversation, as shortly after tapping the screen, something cannoned into him. His back slammed into the wall as another thug sprung at the boy from behind.

Hizashi was sure this blue-skinned weird lookin' guy was still in a daze a moment ago, sitting slumped against the wall, but, obviously, he hadn't kicked him hard enough. Wolf Spider was ducking and dodging as villains came at him from both sides, and a cut-off scream from another villain drew the attention of the man pinning Hizashi to the wall.

Yamada took the distraction in his stride and drove one of his boots into the other's shin and ducked to shoulder him in the chest. The man wheezed as he hit the ground, spluttering out a few weak coughs before falling unconscious due to an amplified exclamation in his ear. Three other villains were knocked out due to his quirk and Yamada was somewhat glad the vigilant kid was struggling back to his feet in the thick of the group. Wide-eyed and bloodied but nevertheless resilient.

Suddenly, much to Yamada's despair, the villain with the blue aura lunged to his feet and barreled right into Wolf Spider. The boy hissed as a knife was plunged into his left shoulder before trying to wrestle said weapon out of the man's grasp. The larger, more bulky criminal slammed him into the alley wall as two villains attacked the voice hero.

Two gunshots fired out, both directed at the boy. On shot one, the same needle-like bullet embedded into his arm, and the second caused blood to fly across the walls. Hizashi couldn't tell if the boy was alive or not now, three armed villains kept him occupied.

Unlike Aizawa, he wasn't familiar with close combat fighting moves and relied on distance for his quirk to work more effectively. Hizashi could hear the taunting of the two other thugs and took it as they were talking to a hopefully still-alive vigilant. He caught some snips of what they were saying as he tried to back away, they were saying things like "idiot, gonna a get a hero caught with you" and "boss will be so happy to kill you" .

Yamada knocked out a female with a penknife and got a glimpse of the blue aura man holding Spider to the wall by the throat; Wolf's fingers desperately clawing at the man's hand, like he was suffocating. (which he probably was, Hizashi realised bluntly.)

Yamada broke away from his fight and attempted to kick the stocky villain in the head, but the man's free hand caught the hero's boot and just stared as he held him there. Now Yamada could see the boy. Blood soaked his hoodie and there were three very notable tears in his costume. A torn-through hole where the blood was darkest on the right shoulder, a still embedded blade in his left that seemed to have been twisted around-judging by how the fabric of his costume was twirled around the knife, and a gouge through his outer-left thigh. His left leg hung limply a good ten inches from the asphalt while the other swung in a weakening attempt to kick him. The villain's hand was wrapped around the boy's throat, large enough that he held the sides of the hood that was over his head to his skin as well.

The scoundrel with long fingers seemed smug for some reason, and it made Yamada sick to his stomach. The pro hero couldn't pull his foot away, the thug's crushing grip would not allow that. And to add to the humiliation, the other villain was snickering at them while pulling an unnaturally long index finger down the vigilant child's face. Blood slowly dripped from the hairline cut, like rivulets spilling from an overflowing cup.

What's A Hero? , Vigilante Izuku AU (Original writing)Where stories live. Discover now