Fire And Rescue

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Izuku's POV

I've kept a low profile since my latest encounter with Eraserhead, staying hidden 24/7 is a lot harder than it looks though. I had to intercept a few missions, mainly kidnappings, but I've somehow managed to discover a new drug flying around. Some low life thieves have been running all over the place, selling it off.

I traced it back to a group called the Yakuza a couple of days ago. The info I got from some of my vigilant associates is that their leader is currently nowhere to be seen and his powerful adopted kid with a destructive quirk has taken over. I don't know that much exactly and only have a few messy details of the group. I know they 1; wear masks-the leader is possibly germaphobic. 2; they are using the blood of a young girl to make quirk enhancing bullets (unsure of any other weapons and techniques for this).  And 3; they are working on a secret project which could cause trouble to the hero filled society.

I'm considering giving some of this information to the heroes or police but I just don't know how to. They'll obviously be on guard because of the lack of sightings of 'Wolf Spider', so if I randomly show up they'll most likely try an ambush. Well, unless I make contact with one of my selected underground or solo flying heroes. That would most likely be safer.

Maybe I could catch Present Mic, preferably whilst he's in civilian uniform. Or come across Mr 'I Need Sleep' again, but he'll probably try his best to catch me this time. 100% should never come across Death arms, Midnight or Komui again, and All Might is definitely off the list. He could kill me with one minimal energy punch and I really don't want to die or get caught, ah. Imagine that! 'Izuku Midoriya, a loser to society is discovered to be the third most wanted vigilant in Japan, the Wolf Spider!' They'll love that, Izuku thought sourly.

I look around the corner and check for people. My path looks clear but someone is jogging around the main street just in front of the alley, so I stay put. Don't want to get into an unneeded fight with another villain right now, I've got things of more importance to attend to. Then I smell it.


A very large amount of smoke. I turn on the communicator and ask in a hushed voice, "Hey, someone get me eyes on Central Musutafu Mall and tell me what's going on." I scale the wall, using any footholds I can find to propel myself along as someone comes on the other line.

"Hey, Wolf. The current situation for Musutafu city mall is large-scale electrical based explosions and the east wing is up in flames, I cannot approach." The female voice starts, "Civilians are still there, I've got eyes on six injured and around forty others in the food court area, third floor. They are trapped, have space though, one of the water pipes seems to have broken and is keeping the flames at bay." She continues as I near the south side of the building, heading anticlockwise around it. A one-building distance separates me from innocent citizens, sirens ringing in the background. I step over the gap and cautiously scrambled closer.

A blaze of heat radiates from the mall and I stop in my tracks, sweat already beaded on my forehead. "Okay, I see why you can't get in." I mumble, smoke billows from broken windows on the third floor and flows from a hole it's side, bricks and concrete falling away by the second. Ash is falling all around like a black blanket of snow, burning into the skin of those who venture too close to the three stories tall building.

Police officers who were surrounding the doors were guiding out wounded while masses of firefighting teams attempted to dull the flames. (in today's schedule most of the heroes with water-based quirks would be on the other side of the city, making the job harder for the determined people in front of me)

A buzz is heard from my earpiece as a new member joins the chat, "Hey, Jumpy, let's try to meet in the middle to get all of them out." Another female voice suggests "With my quirk, I can reject the oxygen to put out a path in the flames, we'll make a plan from there shall we? I guess learning about the fire triangle really did help in school... " The connection crackles from the heat a little.

"Way ahead of ya-", I jump from my roof and smash straight through a window, heat engulfing my body. Shattered glass glittering in the light of the fire as it spun midair and I rolled to a stop. "Hey, Void. I think a villain disabled the sprinkler systems. Discasis, can you work on rewiring them, this heat is a little much for me." I questioned while scooting towards the east wing. Using the collar of my jacket to block out the smoke, I was already sweating buckets so I guessed I'd have to make another jumper when I got out of here.

The first voice buzzed back on to the line, a distant tapping can be heard as she hums a yes to my question and, Void, the second voice gives her coordinates for me to follow.

On arrival, we evade the worst fires and pull people from the collapsed areas as we go, ordering them to move towards the doors and try to get the attention of firefighters and helicopters. We found the forty-five-ish people who'd been trapped. They'd done a good job staying alive, so we just had to get them out of there, it had gone according to plan so far. We got some dust masks from a DIY shop on our passing to try and ease the civilians' breathing and I mentally noted to pay the owner back.

Everything went as intended, we used Void's quirk when we had no other option than to go through the flames, but of course I had to get hit by a falling pillar didn't I? How awesome is it to get smacked on the head and spine by a smouldering lump of concrete? Not awesome, I do not recommend it.

Two of the people I was helping declared that they recognised me from a shop robbery incident that I had saved them from, and guided me through the building with my now injured back and cuts from, I suspected, the glass window. It was unusual.

I must say though, it's rather nice to be helped when you expect to be doing the helping with nothing in return, yet here I am with these two amazing people I don't even know, helping me to walk. We all stopped so I could tend to the injured, which at most was scrapes and minor burns, but I always carried disinfectant cream for occasions like these. Problem is that now they wanted to check my injuries, but I declined. There was a short-lived argument about the danger of untreated wounds, but that ended when we started our journey through the bottom floor.

Ahh! And five minutes later, we're out of the chaos and are rounding up the stragglers. Getting out again, me and Void are thanked by a few of the victims with fire blankets now wrapped around their shoulders. The pair who supported me seemed most happy, saying how I was an inspiration whilst setting a bad example due to my work being 'illegal'.

Suddenly, a "Hands in the air!!" is yelled, it was an officer with a gun, a gun that was pointed at Void. We stood for a second, the civilians spun around to watch as heroes arrived, not good. I clicked my tongue and crossed my ring and middle finger in a hidden action. Of course the other understood, a heartbeat spent standing still and we split, zipping over each other's paths. I threw a self-destructing flare across the view of the pros, distracting them for a minute as they believed I'd set off a bomb.

With that, both vigilantes had escaped their own way. Wolf Spider via rooftop, Void by underground tunnels and Discasis took her own secret pathway.

It later appeared on the news how an unknown number of vigilantes had saved the victims of a villain attack in the Central Musutafu Mall.

Three victims reported to have found 'a small grey feather' in their pockets, and the news reporters went on to talk about...

Anyway, if your wondering Discasis would be pronounced as Dee-kay-sis. Silent first 's'. I think I'm really smart of thinking that up, JK!! I'm definitely not smart. Oh well.

What's A Hero? , Vigilante Izuku AU (Original writing)Where stories live. Discover now