Chapter 16 "What Do You Do...When Your GF Bites You?"

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Randall was beside her eating out from the other. Emily with her mouth agape looked at the surreal sight of two werewolves in the kitchen. Randall looked back at us and he growled bearing his teeth while snapping at us. My mother looked up and stared at us. She crawled towards us sniffing and I yanked Emily back before she could get to us. I saw her nose poking out from around the threshold, and she stopped continuing to sniff like that kitchen scene from Jurassic Park before she whimpered going back.

I think they were done eating, but they got real quiet. We turned back around the corner to see my mother rubbing up against Randall and licking at him while he stared us down. I could have sworn that she was telling him to calm down and focus on her. She even pawed at him and licked his muzzle like in those stupid wolf documentaries Emily watched. She laid her back on the floor exposing her belly to him and he was still glaring at us with his ears forward, fur erect, and bearing his razor sharp teeth and steak knives for canines. I was getting the feeling that Randall was something more to be worried about.

They knew who we were, and he had to be pissed that we did not listen to him about going to our rooms. Emily was curious, and he was very "Go!" his fearsome voice boomed as he pointed off down the hall. He ended up scaring the quads in the nursery, and he stood up nearly bonking his head up against the ceiling.

"Is she still my mum?" I asked him.

"Bring us our pups!" He demanded.

Emily shivered and nodded rushing into the nursery and bringing out one. He took the baby into his arms and my mother's ears perked, and she cocked her head going to his side before scooping the baby up cradling him in her arms before she brought him to her nipple to feed. Emily went to bring the others back to her. I guess enough of my mother was there to know that these were her babies, or maybe it was a mother wolf's instinct to nurture and protect.

After that night in the morning, I found that my mother had turned back into a human making us lunches and doing things that she usually did. Emily and I could not stop staring at her as we at our cereal. "Mum? Do you remember anything that happened last night?" I asked her cautiously. She stopped her humming and looked back at us smiling. She laughed at us and nodded.

"I remember Randall getting so mad at you that he woke the pups up. Totally ruined his plans the two of you did" she said before she shook her head laughing. "Almost..."

"What did you do last night?" Emily asked sweetly.

My mother took in a deep breath and turned red giving off a happiest sigh ever. "Oh you know...the usual wolf things..." she said biting her lip.

"Wolf things? You mean like you went out hunting and howled at the moon?" Emily asked.

"Psh, they had sex" I blurted out.

She shifted her eyes and huffed. "You know wolves do more than just that" she said defensively. She sat down and drank a cup of tea. "We cuddled most of the night and...he was just very romantic" she finished. I was not convinced, but Emily pressed on.

"What was romantic?"

My mother shifted in her seat and ran her hand up and down the cup. "Um, well...just being out in the forest under the moonlight...the way he holds me, growls into my ear, bites me, and petted me. It was nice...and relaxing" she finished closing her eyes and taking a long sip from her cup. "Jack, do you even know what sex is?"

"What? Of course I know what sex is! All the kids talk about it" I told her before I paused seeing her stare at me with a raised eyebrow. She was challenging me, and I did not want to look stupid. "You when a guy sticks his thing into your..." I mumbled.

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