Chapter 42

720 26 2

( 2 weeks later )

                  **** Aliyah's POV ****

Dam it's cold I said to myself as I woke up in my broken-down motel room in ATL. I've been here ever since that day at apple bees I couldn't take NYC anymore so I just ran. Nobody knows I'm here and I want to keep it that way. I sat up in the bed and just looked up at the ceiling replaying them events from that day.


Let me fucking go Dyrell I hate you why are you here I want you the fuck away from me .

"Aliyah I'm sorry baby let me explain please just give me that chance that's all I ask for' Dyrell said. "

What is there to explain Dyrell you cheated on me our baby was killed that night and look at you back with the same bitch.'

"Aliyah I know I'm wrong but all I wanna to do is fix this shit' Dyrell said.

"" Well there won't be no fixing shit with your trifling ass tyleek should have finished the job a long time ago and killed you and took your whole shit you punk ass bitch' Chyna spat.

My mouth dropped in shock as much as I hated Dyrell right now everything's been a lie my own family crossed me as well I just walked off with them calling my name. I walked about 20 blocks till I caught a Uber. I packed some clothes grabbed whatever cash I had and got a one-way ticket to ATL.

Flashback over

I took a long breath and sighed I got up off the bed & counted the cash in my wallet. Fuck I only got $500.00 to my name I can't survive another day out here with just this. I thought long and hard and picked up the motel room phone and dialed Talisa's number.

           **** Dyrell's POV ****

Aliyah's been gone for 2 weeks nobodies Hurd from her. She left her phone debit & credit cards here. I know cause I've had my computer guy trace her phone and card transactions and nothing. I walked out of my office into the main lobby to the trap I was about to walk out when Ace called my name.

" Yoo Dyrell what you wanna do with this bitch in the dungeon?' Ace said.

Oh shit, I kinda forget about that stupid hoe she ready to talk ? I asked Ace.

"I would think so' Ace said with a devilish grin.

I walked down the hall and down the stairs to where little miss set up girl was being held. Wake up bitch I spat. You know you was better off running & not say shit you one bold ass bitch right ?

" I'm sorry Dyrell this was all queens plan just look in my phone' crystal cride.

I snatched her phone off the table & Powered it on. As soon as the phone turned on there was nothing but notifications from Queen. Passcode now I screamed at crystal.

" 1116 please just read dyrell ' crystal said.

Stfu before I kill you right tf now I screamed. I listen to the voice mails from Queen 1st she sounded real worried and frantic she couldn't get ahold of crystal. I laughed and started reading the text messages I grabbed my gun from off the table and with no hesitation, I shot crystal right in the head .

***** Queens POV ****

Fuck why isn't this dam girl answering I said to myself. It's something telling me Crystal in trouble I have to find her. I sat with my hands over my face and sighed hard.

" WTF is wrong with you?' Tyleek said.

I jumped a little you scared me but nothing just tryna figure out where Aliyah could be I lied.

"Not too far I'm going to find her I got people all over looking for her & crystals big-headed ass ' Tyleek said.

wait looking for crystal for what ? I said With panic in my voice.

"I Hurd from my sister crystal was the girl that Dyrell was fucking with all in the time frame Aliyah was shot I just wanna ask her some things ' tyleek said.

Ummm well I'll call her and text her for you i said.

" okay be back later I got some shit to handle at the trap ' Tyleek said and walked out.

I waited to see his car leave out the gates I jumped up grabbed some clothes and money that was in the emergency safe & made a phone call letting the person know I'll be there in a couple of hours. I got my Uber & was gone if I didn't run I would be dead in the next 24 hours .

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