Chapter 32

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                    **** Aliyah's POV ****

I couldn't believe who tf I seen sitting there she had on a black 2 piece outfit with a blond lace front I would be lying if I said the bitch didn't look nice cause she indeed did.

I looked back from Queen to ty then to ty to Queen again this your girlfriend?

Ty laughed and said " yea Lil sis why your face like that ?'

"Because this the bitch that lied on dyrell and I fought in the hospital Chyna yelled.'

Queen got up and walked over and said " listen, Aliyah, I want to apologize for everything I did I couldn't get over Dyrell I was a little delusional and thought we could be able to work it out but I see it's true love with you guys and I never want to come between that. The same way you have found your happiness I have found mines with tyleek your brother makes me happy so if we can just put our difference to the side and become better women I would love that.'

I just rolled my eyes and said fine ok.

Queen said "congrats on the gender and everything maybe we could grab lunch and go shopping for the new edition?'

I just grilled this bitch she had me all types of fucked up but I said ill think about it.

                       **** Dyrell's POV ****

"Maybe I'm wilding or I see this bitch queen over there speaking to my baby mother.

I sure hope this weed playing tricks on my fucking mind I tapped rah and ace just to make sure I wasn't bugging and pointed in Aliyah's direction.

rah said "Nah that's that fucking bitch.'

I took flight walking over to Aliyah who looked very uncomfortable. I grabbed queen by her fucking neck bitch you got a lot of nerve coming to my fucking gender revile you think I won't fucking kill you huh ?

She just looked me in my eyes then I Hurd a voice of a nigga I been searching for lately this fucking nigga Tyleek.

"Wtf is you doing your bugging let go of my fucking girl 'Ty spat.

I look at him like he was fucking crazy Girllllll I said in my Soulja boy voice .

Queen said " yes Dyrell I'm with ty .'

Now at this point, the whole dam party was watching us. I just laughed that shit had me too tickled like wow these mother fuckers must have thought I was some type of fool.

Y'all together that's the funniest shit I heard in a long while well this bitch stole from me and Tyleek you know how I am about my money she better find wtf she took and give it to me now I pulled out my gun .

"Dyrell stop please not here not now' Aliyah said.

i just look at my pregnant Beautiful girl and put the gun down Aliyah was the only thing that could calm me down.'

Look man i know what she did and she told me and that's why we here to apologize and get on a clean slate i been a ain't shit ass brother and uncle and i wana change  that  and queen got her dumb ass faults but she working on it ' ty said .'

We get it it's fine okay just forget all this happen we could have dinner one of these days and discuss everything alright but for now let's chill out and enjoy what's left of this gender revile ' Aliyah smiled .

i just shook my head I'm gana  give my girl what she wants and that's just some peace of mind but i know some shit ain't right and i was coming for Ty sooner then fucking later he think idk wtf going on but you gata be quicker then that my fucking name is Dyrell and I'm one of the biggest king pins in NYC don't nothing get pass me .'

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