Chaptet 41

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**** Crystal's POV ****

(a few weeks later )

It stinks in here Dyrell all you smell is weed stink pussy and liquor I understand that you going through it but you need to get over her she ain't coming back I spat as I walked out the room .

Me & dyrell been kicking it I been over the house every night that I'm not at the club working .

When I get here he already all liquored up high and probably has another female over but idc I'm not tryna be dyrell's girlfriend like queen.

He honestly just a good fuck and also gives me money when I need it and stuff not that I can't take care of myself.

The weight of what happen on New Year's Eve has been on me heavy tho I feel so guilty about what happen I helped take an innocent child's life and that wasn't right and it's not like I honestly have the problem with Aliyah Queen does .

I've been thinking about a way to tell dyrell then it's like what do I say I helped kill your son and broke you and your girlfriend up ?

I've even thought about telling Tyleek but either way I lose. The best thing for me is just to go back to Miami and that's something I just might do.

**** Aaliyah's POV ****

Chyna the last thing I wanna do is go tf out okay I said into the phone rolling my eyes hanging up.

These past few weeks have been hard for me I haven't been much of anywhere.I've been in my room all day I only come out to shower and maybe grab something to eat.

Living with Ty hasn't been bad at all he barely here anyway him nor queen so I'm pretty much here alone whenever Talisa or Chyna just don't pop up.

I understand they just wanna see me happy but IDK how to be happy .I lost a part of me well not 1 but 2 all my mind does is races about my unborn son and dyrell how could he do me so foul I was nothing but good to him .

I was knocked out my thoughts when I Hurd the bell ring .

I mentally rolled my eyes and walked downstairs when I got there there was a delivery man with a Bouquet of Roses and some edible arrangements .

"Are you Aliyah ?' the guy asked.

  Yes I said.

  "we'll these are for you' he handed me the roses and editable arrangements and walked away.

I walked in the house thinking who tf could these be from it better not be no dam dyrell I said to my self.

I read the card " keep your head up beautiful " it read when I looked at the name on the bottom it read money .

A small smile appeared on my face As I sat the roses in some water .

Money was one of tyleeks workers over the weeks he's open up to me about his dealings at 1st I was very standoffish about it but came to understand who I was to judge him when the man I chose to be with was a drug dealer as well a big one .

Anyway money's been trying his best to get me out the house and stuff he's a cool guy but I'm just not ready for all that yet .

I took the edible arrangements to my room with me and sat on the bed opening them as I ate a pineapple flower and texted money .

Me: thanks for the flowers and the edible arrangements 😌
Money💰🗣: you welcome pretty I'm glad you like them get dressed I'm about to come to scoop you 💯
Me: umm idk don't really want to be out of the house
Money💰🗣: you going to have to come out of that house one day and today is the day I'm not taking no for answer be there in an hour.
Me :🙄🙄

I was not prepared to go anywhere today especially anywhere with money but maybe this what I needed some fresh air a little outing with a friend wouldn't hurt right ???

                **** Chyna's POV ****

I'm so bored bruh it makes no sense. Ace is gone running the trap picking up where dyrells lack '

I wanted to go get some food I wanted Liyah to go with me but she still acting bitchy and as if the world revolves around her ass .

She needs to get it through her head the baby is gone dyrell is gone that little perfect life she thinks she had is now gone .

We all took some losses and it is what it is .

I decided to call Talisa and tell her to get dressed I wanna go to apple bees they got 1 dollar patron drinks and okay food I guess.

After I got off the phone with Talisa I walked into my and ace walk-in closet and found something to wear and hoped in the shower .

I did my hygiene thing and started to get ready. Within an hour I was ready I walked outside and got in my brand new Benz truck ace brought me and went to pick up Talisa .

"Hey welcome to apple bees may I ask how many in your party ' the waitress asked.

just need a table for 2 i replied.

She sat us immediately me and Talisa wasted no time grabbing the drink menu no me & her not 21 yet but we got fake ID's so we should be good .

The server came and took our orders and went on her way .

"So how you been girl ?' Talisa said.

I'm a great girl I got a loving boyfriend don't gata work cook clean anything he takes cares of all that.

"Hmmm ' i Hurd talisa says.

What you jealous hoe ?i asked with a smirk.

"Chyna please what I'm jealous of I love my normal ass life all I'm saying is he takes care of you so the least you could do is cook and clean sometimes you know what you won't do another hoe will Chyna.' Talisa said.

I just rolled my eyes and said girl worry about you ace ain't going nowhere periodt .

As I turned my head I seen someone who was looking like they were having a good ole time smiling and laughing .

I pointed in the direction of the person Talisa looked and said "wowwwwww that's the bitch from the video' as we both got up.

**** Aliyah's POV ****

Soo the outing with money hasn't been so bad we went to riverside park and just looked at the waterfront and spoke about our upbringing goals and things .

I explained to him how I'm not going to school but I've been taking my classes online .

He was a cool vibe and it's just funny how we ended up here the same place I always end up when I'm going through a lot the same place I got so many good memories of my mom at.

Even tho it was freezing cold I didn't mind .We were on our way to apple bees I didn't mind a " cheap date " .

We pulled to apple bees and both got out the car as we got to the entrance all you hurd was plates and glass hitting the floor and screaming and yelling.

Money asks "yo you tryna slide somewhere else seems like ratchet ass hoes in there brawling .'

I let out a laugh and agreed I took once glance back and realize those ratchets was Talisa and Chyna .

I turned around and rushed into the restaurant with money right behind .

Wtf why y'all fighting? then I took a glance at who it was the girl from the video and dyrell standing there looking amused I just froze up and tears started to roll down my face .

I stormed out the restaurant leaving everybody behind .'

( money in MM Above )

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