Chapter 38 // on the plane

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Playlist Live is a youtube event in Florida, America. You must have a least 1 million subscribers to go though, it's a new rule they introduced. You do meet ups and shows for all the American fans, it's great fun!

I'm on Skype to Alice whilst packing for tomorrow's flight.

"Do you want me to make you a playlist for the plane to listen to?" She asks.

"Ooh please! It's such a bummer that you can't go!" I pull a sad face "100 away from 1 million! Your so close! It's so sweet that Chai said he'd stay with you instead of leaving you on your own. Cuties" we both giggle.

"Ah well, never mind, maybe next year. What are you doing about Avery?" Alice asks

"Oh, Lucy said we are allowed to take her."

"No... No... No... You aren't going on a 2 week holiday with joe and bringing our 1 year old child with you! You can't! I'll look after her! You two get some piece and quiet!" Alice's says forcefully, pointing at me through the Skype screen.

"Alice you can't, she's a handful!" I say.

"And that's exactly why you can't take her with you! No offence to Avery, but she'll spoil it for you guys!"

"Are you sure?" I ask her, I feel bad dumping our child on Alice like this!

"I'm coming round now!" She says turning the Skype call off instantly.


[on the plane]

I have the playlist that Alice made for me up and I've put one ear phone in but hadn't started playing any music yet as they were doing the safety announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to direct your attention to the television monitors. We will be showing our safety demonstration and would like the next few minutes of your complete attention."

Once the demonstration is over I put in both my headphones and start to play the playlist Alice called 'chummy planelist'. I press play and put my head against the window and look outside as we fly up into the clouds. The first song is air guitar by McBusted, Alice, you know me well! (Fav song!) I suddenly find myself strumming the strings of a guitar made of air and joe giving me a look of 'have you just come from another planet or is it just drugs' we started to laugh and he says.

"Can't wait for this holiday!" And then he kisses me on the forehead and I place my head on his shoulder and start miming the words of the song. Only 9 more hours to go...

Jobigail (joe sugg / thatcherjoe fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now