"I'll meet you in your office in 30?" Bobby asked as she ate. Nora watched her.

"No, it's okay. I can come to you." Nora said. "Brian will probably be on a call and we'll never get anything done."

"Got it." Bobby said, admiring the bowl.  She turned to Nora, noticing she was staring at her. "Something wrong?"

"No, not at all. Enjoy." Nora said, grabbing her coffee mug and walking out of the break room. She walked on, silently connecting dots that had been floating around at seemingly random for a while now.

She hadn't missed the way Bobby and Matt glanced at each other and based on Matt's actions at the party, she was almost certain that she was right about her suspicion.

But now Bobby was acting all sorts of funny. A little more sensitive, a little more emotional... and a lot more hungry. As Nora walked into her office, she closed the door behind her and chuckled.

Of course, she was just being silly. She was always thinking things like this, she'd thought it 20 times over since Emma and Marc got together and that had never turned out to be true.

Bobby cleaned up slowly within the breakroom. She'd been stress eating lately, she knew it. The situation at the office had gotten to be too much. Between the work that was being delegated to her, dealing with Michael and the whole situation with Matt...

She gazed over towards his office. Matt.

She said it over and over in her mind.


Talk to me, Matt. She whispered to herself. Of course, what good would it do? For all she knew, Matt and Lisa were back on and eventually she'd come back to New York. Maybe that was why he was being so cold towards her? Maybe to show her that it was definitely over.

Matt. She wondered if she'd said it aloud that time. Then with a sigh, she turned, noting the man who was coming through the elevator doors.

George Carlton?



Nick said, making Matt turn to him.

"So what?" Matt said.

"You've been a pain the ass all week. Would you tell me what the hell is going on?" Nick said. "It's Lisa, right? Have you talked to her?"

"No need." Matt said simply, turning back to his computer.

"What do you mean no need? I mean, she did tell you she was preg-" Nick began but Matt cut him off.

"And she knows now that I'm not the father." Matt said simply. Nick stared at him in shock.

"Wow." Nick finally managed to mutter. "I can understand you're upset. That's the whole reason you and Bobby broke up."

Matt didn't say anything, he just continued to type.

"Well, why aren't you and Bobby celebrating? Everything worked out." Nick said, wondering why Matt was being so obnoxious.

"Nothing worked out, Nick. It's done and over, Bobby and I are not getting back together." Matt said. Nick stared at Matt incredulously.

"Well why the hell not?" Nick asked.

"Listen, Nicholas. I'm pretty god damned tired of always having to tell you about my personal problems." Matt said.

"I'm your brother, I care about..." Nick began but Matt turned and glared at him.

"Fine, you want to get personal and share?" Matt said, throwing the pen he was holding across the room. "When the hell are you going to tell me what's going on with Ryan?"

Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The story of a Shrew's Son)Where stories live. Discover now