"Thank you, Eddie. What in the world would I do without you?"


"It smells... disgusting." Bobby said, looking down at the pad thai that she and Eddie were about to devour. She leaned over it with a frown... what was that smell? Eddie raised a brow as he watched her.

"I don't smell it." He muttered, leaning in and doing the same. It smelled normal, well it smelled good. He and Bobby made there way here at least a few times a month, it was one of their favorite spots.

"It smells... sour. I can't explain it." She said, "I'm sure something in here isn't fresh."

"Well, I can't say I smell it but we can ask them to take it back." He said and Bobby shook her head.

"No, we don't have that much time." She said, glancing at her watch. "I'll just pick up a sandwich in the lobby."

Eddie shrugged but he was not surprised. Bobby could be very picky when eating, especially when she was stressed which he could tell, she was. It wasn't just work that was starting to really weigh them down, it was everything else. The stress of working so close to Matt and Lisa, the stress of not knowing what was going on with her sister... and then there was something else.

Eddie couldn't quite put his finger on it but he was sure there was something else. She'd gotten very secretive, even for her.  He watched as she sipped on her water, then looked at the glass for a few minutes. She reached over, taking a couple of limes out of the plate and squeezing them one at a time into her water.  A few minutes later, she asking for more.

"You're such a weirdo." He said with a chuckle making her frown.

"Why?" She asked.

"You just are... the biggest weirdo." He said.

"Whatever." She replied, looking to her phone as it vibrated. She stared down at it for a second, before rejecting the call and tossing it into her bag.

"Don't tell me..." he began but she shook her head.

"No, I don't think so but I don't know the number and I'm not in the mood. If it's important, they'll leave a voicemail." She said. Ever since the visit to Texas, she hadn't received a single call from her parents but that didn't mean she wasn't thinking twice before accepting any calls from within their area code.

"It could be the social worker." He said and she nodded.

"I know and she'll leave a voicemail if it is." She replied.

"So, nothing yet?" He asked. Bobby smiled to the waiter who brought her another small plate with limes and she began to squeeze them in one at a time.

"Nope." She said, sipping a bit of water and then picking up another lime.

"Why don't you just order a lemonade?" He asked and she raised her brow.

"You're right. that would be better." She said, signaling for the waiter again.

"I'm telling you, you're such a weirdo." Eddie said.

"Why don't you stop trying to distract me and tell me what in the world is going on with you?" She asked, now turning to look directly at him. Eddie froze for a second before looking back down at his food.

"I already told you." He said and she shook her head.

"No, you went on and on about your mom, then insisted we talk about my problems but you never told me more about that guy." She said.

"There's not a lot to tell." He said.

"Tell me about the pair of blue eyes." She said simply.

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