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"whale technically I'm home so I technically shouldn't be grounded" I grinned walking around on the beams "MISCHIEF ZANE" mum yelled and I looked down at her "yes mother dearly" I smirked siting down kicking my legs back and forth as I looked at her "also katniss your dead" I growled glaring at him

"want to tell me what you are doing" she asked sighing once she saw the grin on my face as I flipped upside down so I was hanging off the beam "well I believe I am hanging upside down from the beam" I grin making Bucky and clint start to laugh

"we both know that is not what I meant also why do gotta act so mischievous" mum asked and I grinned before the tour group moved on leaving me alone and I got up before back flipping off the beam and doing a roll once I hit the ground

"well letsss sssee how missschievousss I can get" I grinned talking in snake language to confuse them since I learned all animal language making them all back up at the grin and mischievous gleam in my eyes "oh no" Sam said once he saw the look "RUN FOR THE HILLS" Bucky yelled before he, Sam and mum ran out of the room

"so prank room" clint asked and I looked at him "race ya" I said before running off into the vents with him following as we raced through the vents before dropping into a room that had no door but did have a window that was made to look like a wall to everyone who wasn't in the room

"I win" I laughed as I did a small dance before me and clint started to put a lot of pranks into backpacks before we looked at each other "good luck" he laughed and I nodded before we jumped back into the vents and went different ways and started to set up pranks everyone

putting the backpack away I grabbed a few glitter bombs before going to the lunch room that the tour group was in and looked at them "hey fri turn the lights off and turn then back on once I'm close to hitting the ground" I said "sure mischief" fri said and the lights went out making a few people scream before I dropped down and when I was close to hitting the ground the lights went back on and I landed on a table scaring everyone

"sup" I smirked looking at the tour group "Mr. Parker care to explain" my teacher asked and I looked at her "nah I'm good all will be explained soon" I grinned before Bucky and Steve walked in glaring at me once they saw me but I was to busy laughing as was everyone else

both of them now had neon red and neon purple hair with neon blue and black glitter along with unicorn glitter in their hair and on their clothes had neon pink paint that had black glitter all over them but the funniest part was their skin which was a neon red purpleish color

"wha-t hap-pen-ed to y-ou" I grinned through the laughing and they walked towards me and I looked at them before reaching into my pocket "I thi-nk yo-u ne-ed so-me mor-e glit-ter" I said through laughed and they realized what I was about to do and tried to run but I had already threw the glitter bomb that had red and purple glitter before running out of the room

grabbing the glitter gun and paint gun from behind two pots and Friday sent out a alarm "warning warning mischief has a glitter and a paint gun warning warning" and I smirked as I walked through the halls before another alarm went off as I grabbed glitter bombs and smoke bombs "warning warning rebel has a glitter and paint gun warning warning"

which made me smirk even more before another alarm went off "warning warning iron, widow, metal, wings have glitter guns" I asked fri where clint was and she told me were he was and I snuck up next to him "who" I asked him "metal and widow then iron and wings" clint said

he looked at me before looking back towards the ground since we were up in the beams of the others base "got it now let me do some fun" I laughed before jumping onto the wall and climbed around in the shadows as I looked for mum and Bucky before I found them

"what's up" I asked in mouse language which was funny because no one understood what I said when I talked animal and they never could tell if it was me or no "oh come on no reply rude" I said in bird language before I walked out of the shadows

I had changed into some black combat pants and boots with a black sleeveless hoodie and a mask that hid most of my face and let my snake tattoo be visible "hello" I said in a deep voice making them jump and turn around looking at me

it was so hard to not laugh since nats hair was a neon red and purple and had blue glitter in her hair and neon red paint with purple glitter all over her clothes "who are you" nat asked pointing the glitter gun at me "dont know who am I" I smirked as I saw clint sneak up behind them

"I do tho" clint grinned and they both turned around and went to shoot him but got paint and glitter in their faces instead and got webbed to the wall with red and purple webs "now onto iron and wings" I laughed before going to the shadows to find them clint following a way back but was also in the shadows

"iron wings" I said in fox language "what was that" Sam asked looking around "no clue" tony said looking around to "over here guys" I said in cat language once I got to the opposite side of the room making them turn towards me and allowing clint to sneak up towards them

"what's there" tony asked and I walked out of the shadows "its who for your information" I said and they pointed there glitter guns at me "who are you" Sam asked "he's everyone but no one" clint said behind them making them jump before turning around but was met with black and blue glitter and paint making them back up before they got webbed to the wall with black and blue webs

"that was fun yet boring" I joked taking off my hood and mask and looking at clint "yeah it was" he laughed before we heard gasps and we looked towards the gasps "oh hey guys" I said causally "MR. PARKER" the teacher yelled and I groaned before looking at her

"DETENTION FOR TWO WEEKS" she yelled and I growled "WHAT NO" I yelled before I saw a lightsaber "LIGHT" I yelled and grabbed something from my belt and twisted it making a laser go up "MISCHIEF AND REBEL" she yelled walking out from behind the class lightsaber in hand "hey trickster" clint laughed as he stood behind me since me and Shuri still had our lightsabers out

"WHAT THE FLIP IS HAPPENING" a kid yelled and I smirked "mischief is" I smirked before the tour group had to leave but I didnt and lets just say Spider-Man, Hawkeye and a girl were seen running down the street with lightsabers as a bright neon green iron man, bright neon pink black panther, bright neon yellow black widow and bright neon purple winter wolf chasing them while the trio were laughing

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang