Chapter 96

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Rafaela entered the kitchen wincing a bit. James was standing, leaning against the counter having his morning cereal bowl and stared at her waiting for her to say something. She. winced again.

"Are you ok?" He asked her.

"Oh God..." She complained taking a hand to her lower back. "I can't wait for this girl to come out. She's killing me!" Rafaela sat down on a bench and James giggled.

"Is it hurting that bad?" He asked, watching with tender eyes.

"It was the same with Liam, these last months are hell. Have you seen how my belly is huge?" She looked down. It had been four weeks; she was eight months pregnant already.

"It is big indeed." James put the cereal bowl in the sink and kneeled in front of her, kissing her belly and resting both hands in there. "Good morning my little princess." He greeted Ava as if she could listen. Well, in theory babies can listen inside the belly. Then he stood and kissed his wife's lips. "Good morning my queen." He smiled and she giggled with his joke.

"Why don't you just stay at home and lay down, have some rest." He suggested.

"James!" She protested. "I am not going to lay down for weeks until she is born. I need to keep moving, it doesn't matter how hard it is."

"So, are you going to meet me for lunch today?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes, I'll be there at one o'clock sharp." She told him.

James nodded and kissed her lips one more time. "Want me to prepare you breakfast before I leave?" Rafaela smiled, he could so sweet, but she shook her head.

"No..." She said. "Go to your music, I'll manage myself around here."

"Ok." He put both his hands on her shoulders and placed a kiss on her forehead.

He went upstairs and Rafaela got up. She began to prepare the yogurt with fruit that she loved so much when she was pregnant and when she was already eating it, James appeared at the kitchen's door.

"I'm leaving. See you later!" He said walking up to her.

She cleaned her lips in the napkin and they kissed goodbye. He pecked her and then pecked her again wetly.

"Hum..." He smiled rubbing his nose on hers. "You taste sweet."

"It's yogurt." She laughed.

He kissed her again wetly and suggestively. "Still tasting sweet."

"Go away!" She ordered laughing and James kissed her one more time before leaving the house.

Rafaela got up and went near the interphone, where she could watch the gate through the cameras. She always did that. The police was, again, no longer guarding their house. Kelly was very clever, and her moves were carefully studied. James and Rafaela knew that sooner or later she would attack again, and they were afraid, but they were so happy that the baby was about to arrive, that they sometimes they forgot all about her. When was she going to attack again? They didn't know but they were quite sure she would, she was dying to do so. Kelly had lost her discernment, only had vision for her revenge, that's why she was being so careful but then so were James and Rafaela, trying to anticipate her attack. Then again... nothing is certain and sometimes nothing can be avoided.

Rafaela waited until James's car had passed through the gate to come back to the table and have the rest of her meal in peace. She thought he didn't know she'd do that every day before he got out or even before she had to leave, she'd peak there first. Or even when it was time for James to get back home, she'd also peek there to see if their way was clear. Kelly could be hiding, and no one would see her, but she could also be clumsy and be there, and thus her steps being watched.

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