Chapter 83

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James' eyes opened slowly, and he could see the sun behind the blinds. Still blinking a bit, he read the time, it was 10.30 am, they still had some time. He rolled on his other side to find Rafaela passed out on her sleep still. His lips curved in a soft sleepy smile as he watched her sleeping on her stomach, hair in front of her face. He pulled the hair away from her face and kissed her cheek softly, then rolled on top of her and kissed her again. She stirred a bit and mumbled something imperceptible, which made him giggle.

"Wake up." He said in a sweet tone, kissing her cheek again.

"No." She said extremely sleepy.

"Come on baby..." He whispered in her ear and bit her there to tease her. James felt himself growing hard while feeling her ass against his crotch and he wanted some morning fun. He slid his hands under her shirt and kissed the side of her neck. "Rafi..." He called her.

"Get off me." She told him but he was persistent, and he knew how to tease her enough to make her give in. He rubbed himself on her and continued kissing his neck.

"Wake up, come on..." He whispered again in her ear. Her eyes opened and this bit of hope hit him. "Rafi..." He called her name again to arouse her. "I want some..." He stopped talking and peeked at her eyes again. Closed... they were closed, and she was breathing heavy again. Summing things up, she had fallen asleep one more time. "...morning love..." He said sitting on the bed and looking at her completely passed out figure.

Resigned and taking a deep breath, he got up. His erection jumping straight behind his loose shorts. "I could hang a towel on here now." He muttered annoyed while walking to the bathroom.

James opened the water and looked at his face in the mirror, he decided to shave first. After, he went for a shower and took some time in it and finally, when he was brushing his teeth, he decided to peek on her again. He leaned against the door frame contemplating Rafaela sleeping. He wondered how she could still be sleeping if they hadn't gone to bed that late and she even fell asleep first than he did. His eyebrow curled surprised, but he came back inside to rinse his mouth and then came back inside the room to get her up, they really had to go.

He shook her lightly and she cursed a bit annoyed with his persistence. "We have to leave babe." He said giggling. "Get off the bed!" He exclaimed.

"I don't want to." She pretended she'd whimper. He pulled the sheets away and then opened the blinds. Her eyes blinked several times until she could keep them open, then she stretched and yawned. "I want to stay in bed."

"You can't. We have to fly to Chicago today." As he said this he remembered the only time when he had to struggle with her so much for her to get up.

He stopped still right in front of her, mesmerized. Rafaela sat on the bed lazily and then looked at him. There was only one time when he had to be the one to take her out of the bed and she fought it with all she had, it was when she was pregnant with Liam.

"Why are you looking at me that way?" James shook his head, but she kept staring at him. "James, you're even smiling." She pointed out.

"It's nothing really." He approached her and kissed her forehead. "Go to your shower and I'll order breakfast. You have to hurry."

"Ok." She said with that resigned look in her face that he hated so much.

He decided not to comment anything, after all it might have been just a coincidence and she hadn't had any other complaints that could lead this to a pregnancy. Shrugging, but bubbling inside, he grabbed the phone to order something to eat. Eggs, bacon, mushrooms, toasts, coffee and orange juice, the usual breakfast.

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