Chapter 31

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August 3rd, 1986

Rafaela sneaked out of bed gently not to wake up James. Liam was whimpering low, so she went there fast to shut the baby up, decided to let James sleep a bit more. As she grabbed her 3 months old baby she smiled at him and kissed his forehead. The baby frowned a little.

"Daddy is sleeping." She shushed against his forehead and put the pacifier in his mouth, then she searched for her slippers and put them on her feet, leaving James quietly in the room.

"Daddy is 23 years old today baby." She talked to Liam smiling while walking to the kitchen. "You're gonna suck your bottle and then we're going to wake him up nicely and wish him a happy birthday ok?" Liam smiled at her, making her giggle. "Yes sweetie, you liked the idea. Liam smiled again. "You like daddy don't you? He makes you funny faces and you smile a lot with him. He's leaving today for Europe, but he loves you a lot." That last sentence was said with a bit of sadness. She was going to miss him a lot.

Rafaela fed the baby on the couch of their living room while she watched the garden outside. The sun was shining high already and a soft gust was blowing for the trees moved almost in slow motion. The water in the pool shinning blue, asking to be dived. The day looked amazingly hot though she hadn't been outside yet. As she picked Liam up to make him burp, she opened the window and stepped on the porch, feeling this heat burning on her skin.

"It's so hot." She commented alone and covered the head of her son with her hand to protect him from the sun. Liam shuddered at a hiccup. "Yeah, you sucked your bottle too fast mister." She said waiting for him to calm down and finally, when he did, she came back inside walking straight to the bedroom.

James was sleeping on his back, his hair covering his face. Rafaela sat by his side and pulled his hair away from his face. He snored softly, not even moving. She sat Liam on his stomach, holding him since he couldn't do it by himself and called James.

"Wake up daddy." She said, making James move at the sound of her voice. With his eyes still closed he stretched and then took an arm to the baby's legs on his lap. "Happy birthday!" She said knowing he was already awake.

He blinked his eyes a couple of times before opening them, smiling instantly seeing his son sat on his chest. "Hi..." He said with a cute sleepy voice greeting the baby. "Hi there sweetie." He said again, dragging his body up to sit, then grabbed Liam in his arms and kissed his face.

"Happy birthday, daddy." Rafaela giggled and he bent over her to kiss her lips good morning. "Happy birthday, baby." She said.

"Thanks. Hey little man..." He talked to his son that watched him with his green eyes wide opened. "You're so quiet. I bet mom took care of you already."

"What do you think? He was whimpering already." Rafaela told him. She sat by his side to be able to watch her son's face as well. "He's so serious looking at you."

"Guess he's scared with my sleepy face." He laughed. "Hey Liam... how about a smile?" James grinned making Liam instantly smile at him. "There you go..." James brought Liam closer to his lips and kissed his cheek. "You smell good." He said inhaling his baby's scent.

"Want to go shower? I'll try to put him back to sleep so he won't be a pain in the ass while we take you to the airport." Rafaela suggested.

"Let's wait if he sleeps and we shower together." James kissed her lips suggestively.

"I don't know if he'll be that fast." She laughed.

"Here's what we'll do. You're gonna make me breakfast and I'll put him to sleep. It will give us time." He suggested.

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