Chapter 79

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Two weeks had passed since then. James and Rafaela decided to go as initially planned then, she was going on tour with him. The police had tried to reach Kelly to testify, but she was still on her honeymoon and no one was sure when she was due to be back, and it seemed like they had prolonged the time in Europe. Tony made them promise they'd still talk on the phone, especially Rafaela since he had not dismissed her from the meetings with him. Still, he gave her permission to go, he knew soon she'd be free and that was a good way for her to get used to distance herself from him, also for him to analyze how she'd do without him around, though, they'd talk on the phone. Also, Tony knew it would be important for James to have her there with him. She was the link to his cure, the rock that was going to pull him together not to give in to temptation.

James and Rafaela would leave on tour the next morning, so they were busy preparing all they needed for a month touring the States. They had left Ozzie in her mother's the day before, left Cynthia instructions to follow the investigation close, though they'd still be in contact with detective Hawk.

"Is everything ready?" James asked her, taking the last suitcase near the door.

"Yes. Think if you're not forgetting anything." She asked staring at him, resting her hands on her waist. James looked around for a few seconds and then shook his head.

"No, I don't think so." He told her. "I think I have everything I need."

"Did you order dinner James? I'm too tired to cook." She said hoping he had heard her complaint a couple of minutes before, James nodded, and she went to kiss his lips.

"Thank you." She said. "What did you order?"

"Sushi." He said with a grin, knowing he'd please her as she loved it too much.

"OH!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands like a little girl.

James couldn't but smile and acknowledge how happy she had been the last two weeks, even if the investigation was making them remember too many details on their son's death. Rafaela was hanging on and he felt himself growing stronger as well and be confident that things would turn out well. As a couple they were doing great. Probably, never so close and strong. Their relationship was becoming solid and unique.

They went downstairs and she noticed the fireplace burning, a blanket on the floor and she went straight to it. "You're so sneaky." She smiled looking up at him.

"I know you love to do this." He crouched in front of her and pecked her lips.

"Yeah... but you have to kiss me properly." She curled an eyebrow to pretend she was really annoyed with his quick kiss.

James kneeled in front of her and grabbed her face with his hands and then pecked her lips again, and then began to nibble on them, and then finally gluing his lips on them and making his tongue invading her mouth. As their tongues met, he began to push her down on the blanket and his body fell on top of hers. Their lips parted and they gasped a bit for air, their eyes locking and they both smiled. James bent down over her and the kiss was retaken, her arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer. The cell rang...

The kiss was broken, and they looked in each other's eyes. "Damn!" Rafaela giggled. "It's mine." James got up on his knees to give her enough space for her to reach out her cell. He saw her expression hardening as she looked down at it.

"Who is it?" He asked. The cell stopped ringing and they were faced with something new, a new feeling, the feeling of not knowing exactly what to do.

"It's Kelly." Rafaela said looking at him as if asking for help.

They haven't spoken or seen Kelly since they found out her bracelet, so they were caught by surprise with her call, they didn't know exactly how to react.

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