Chapter 84

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New York,

The time passed quite fast and they arrived in their promised town. Though wanting to get married alone, just the two of them, they told their friends about their plans, and also Rafaela warned her parents to be aware of their decision and she got their blessing over the phone and long conversations about it until the day arrived.

The day before they had been looking for the perfect chapel and they found one near the hotel that suited just the purpose. They also spoke to the minister and explained what they wanted to do, and the man agreed to marry them. James and Rafaela went shopping. Despite all, they wanted to marry neat, and she chose a pearl strapless gown and he chose a dark grey suit. That day was the day then and James was almost unable to sleep, so once again, he stared at her passed out figure. The sun was already up, and half of the morning had already gone by. He should wake her up, but he was so sorry to disturb her heavy sleep and she looked so peaceful.

"Rafi... baby." He whispered in her ear gently.

Her eyes blinked a bit, but they didn't open, and he smiled watching her. James ran a hand over her hair and smiled again watching her. It had been a week, a whole week where she struggled to get up but then there were no other symptoms, not that he could remember and that killed his hope a little bit, and Rafi seemed so relaxed and distracted that he thought it was only his imagination playing tricks on him. He wanted that baby to happen so much.

He shook her again and then did what he had done every day, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up, making her open her eyes.

"You're so mean." She said with a smile and he kissed her lips.

"It's late. It's lunch time already, then we have to go. Unless, you have changed your mind." He told her and she smiled at him again.

"I am so nervous." Her giggle after her words showed exactly that, but he also felt a lump in his throat and his heart was beating fast.

"Me too, but hey... we've been together for so many years and we have been living together ever since so, this is just a formality, a paper." He said

"I know... still..." She giggled again and shook her head. "I'm going for a shower; will you order lunch then?"

"Ok, then I need a shower too." He said.

She was already cleaning herself when he got in the bathroom butt naked and ready for his own shower.

"I asked for grilled lobster, I know you love it." He told her.

"Did you ask for a salad too?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Yes. I know everything you like!" He claimed proudly, and that was true as much as she also knew everything he liked. It had been some years already.

Since they had to dress for the wedding that afternoon, Rafaela put on some sweater and shorts just to have lunch and then sat on the balcony of the hotel room looking out at the bright blue sky. Though her heart was running fast, she smiled feeling happy and soon she felt a hand resting on her shoulder, James met her there and sat by her side. Also, he was just in shorts and shirt.

"Smiling alone?" He asked her and Rafaela wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her face against his chest. "Oh... that is so good." He said holding her tight too.

"I love you." She said with muffled voice by his clean shirt.

"I love you too sweetheart." He whispered against the top of her head.

Then room service announced themselves outside and the embrace was broken. James went to grab their lunch and they decided to have it on the table outside for that purpose. They ate in silence first, but then James noticed how she wasn't eating.

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