Chapter 64

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"James, I am really surprised you called to meet me again." Tony said shaking his hand.

"I am sorry if I am disturbing you, but I have a few doubts and I need to talk to you." James told him. He had called Tony that morning asking if he could meet him in his office.

"Sure. Take a seat." Tony pointed out at the chair and James sat down. "So, what is it? Rafaela I suppose." James nodded.

"I need to know if it's alright to talk about Liam to her." James said.

Tony looked at him a bit surprised, but then Liam was their son. Rafaela ended up in hospital because of him, and James's doubts were legit.

"What do you want to talk about him with her? I mean... it's alright to talk about him. She does talk about him now, my only doubt here is what you want to talk to her about. I understand he's your son, but I think you also understand my point." Tony explained.

"She has always said she left the gate closed. Liam's loss was a very hard punch for us, well you know that..." James took a deep breath. "Right after his death we were both so devastated that we couldn't think clear about the whole situation. We blamed ourselves then we stopped blaming ourselves but there was always this doubt that remained. When things began to settle a bit down, Rafi began to say over and over that she couldn't understand what happened because she was sure she had left the gate closed and that was something that began to hammer in my head as well. I remembered we were having a barbecue that day, just the three of us and when I went to lit up the fire I also saw the gate closed. So, how come did it end up opened?"

"What is it exactly that you want to do James?" Tony inquired him.

"I want to find out what happened. Something here is not right, and I think Rafi and I have the right to know what really happened that afternoon. We lost our son. We deserve, at least, to know for real what happened."

"You want to open an investigation on your son's death?" Tony asked surprised.

James nodded. "I don't know if I can. It's been a few months already, but I have been thinking about it and I am going to do everything I can to make it happen. I need to know what happened to Liam. I know now something is not right. I know he's drowned. I was the one taking him out of the pool, but something here is not right."

"I think you can." Tony said. "The thing is, it's been months and all evidences must be erased by know, like for example fingerprints on the gate. It could also be Liam himself who opened the gate and went there all by himself. I don't know if it's ok for Rafi to be involved in such a great thing now. This will bring back very vividly her pain, it's not safe."

"I don't want to involve her, at least not for now, but I want to ask her a few things about that day. If she remembers more now, like some noises, like I don't know, but just know if she remembers something else we're missing. I just want her to recall that day."

"I think you can do that. It's a son in common. I am sure it won't harm her to talk about it with you, maybe it's even good. Just don't tell her what your plans are, not right now anyway, can you do that?"

"I can." James assured him.

"It's important that she doesn't fall off the wagon, especially now. She came here a lot different yesterday because she was with you." Tony said, breaking his rules a little bit.

James opened a smile at him. "And we are going out tonight again. I am taking her to see Bruce Springsteen, he's her idol."

"That's good James." Tony supported him.

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