Chapter 77

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The jet landed on San Francisco soil around noon. Lars was waiting for them as promised and waved as soon as he saw the couple. He couldn't but notice, without even asking, how things had turned out well, though he never doubted Rafaela would never say no to James' proposal. Still, the way they were holding onto each other while walking, the way they giggled and kissed out of nothing, were all gestures that they were engaged and happy. He couldn't but notice how they looked visibly happy around each other.

"Hey...hey..." Lars greeted James with a grin on his face and tapped on his back strongly.

"How are you?" James asked him.

"Surviving, your dog man..." Lars complained.

"What has he done?" Rafaela stepped forward with a concerned look. Lars kissed her cheeks and smiled.

"Nothing. I was just teasing you guys, he's fantastic. Now, how are you?" Lars asked looking in her green glare and she opened a smile.

"I'm engaged." She said showing him her hand with the ring on her finger.

"I know!" Lars teased and she poked his arm.

"I know!" She exclaimed. "You knew about all this all along didn't you?" Lars nodded at her question.

"Let me see the ring?" Lars asked and she extended her hand at him.

"I'm glad you're finally wearing it. He wanted to propose three months ago already." He blurted.

"Lars!" James reprimanded him and Rafaela looked at James serious, their eyes locked and suddenly he saw so much guilt in her eyes.

She didn't have any idea that he wanted to propose before, that meant he was going to propose when he went on tour and wanted her to go with him. He planned to propose exactly when she broke up with him and then all that disgrace happened.

"Let that go." James told her resting both his hands on her shoulders, but she still stared at him with a guilty face.

"James..." She whispered looking in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Lars said. "I thought she knew."

"It's ok." James said and then held her hand. "Let's go?"

Rafaela nodded but watching James carefully. He looked calm and peaceful and she let it go. In the car, they talked about music again, their music, and she realized that time that they were planning to go on tour again. From what she was perceiving, there were some shows booked already. She remained silent, the whole way, just watching the sunny streets passing by her eyes.

At Lars, they grabbed Ozzie and his stuff and put it all in James car, even if they had just arrived they had a busy day ahead. Rafaela wanted to go to her parents and give them the good news and then they had to go to the police station, and that was the hardest part and James' biggest fear. He was still afraid how she'd react.

"James..." She called his name when he was stopped on a red light. His head turned to her. "Is it true that you bought me the ring that long ago?" She asked him with that thought hammering on her mind, not believing the suffer she had caused him all this time.

"It doesn't matter." He said shaking his head.

"Yes, it matters." She said almost as a whisper.

Her eyes watered and though the light had turned green, he pulled the car over. James bent over her and kissed her cheek. The pain she had inflicted in him had been bigger than she even imagined.

"Hey... what's that for now?" He tried to comfort her as she sobbed a little.

"I can't believe the harm I caused you. I am sorry, I am so sorry." She grabbed his face in her hands and looked deeply in his eyes, as if pleading for forgiveness. "I have so much to ask you for forgiveness... please forgive me..."

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