Chapter 28

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Rafaela parked her car in front of the studio and took a deep breath as her kidneys were killing her. The album took a little longer to record as her pregnancy provoked a setback on the band's initial plan, which was to record it in Denmark. Instead they stayed in the US and it took them a little longer as they were more distracted with private matters.

She greeted the security, who already knew her and then dragged her feet inside, showing her almost 7 months pregnant belly along the corridor that led to the recording room. Metallica was done with the recording; they were just working in details. The album would be released that month of March, it would be just a couple of days more. When she reached the door, Rafaela heard James's voice from outside, then Lars, she concluded they were fighting for sure, still nothing new.

Gently, she opened the door and peeked, both heads turned around and she realized her presence had interrupted some important matter as they both acted a bit awkward. James smiled clumsy and Lars kissed her cheek without even looking in her eyes. They looked suspicious but definitely, they had been fighting.

"Hi babe." James finally said.

"Are you ready for lunch?" She asked.

"I am." With that she saw James crossing by Lars not looking at him at all, then he came back with his wallet and held her hand. That confirmed her suspicions.

"Bye." She said to her friend, but James left without saying a word. "Are you feeling better than in the morning?" He asked while they walked out of the studio hand in hand.

"The kidneys still hurt a bit, but that's ok." She said. James put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him, kissing her lips right after.

"Can we go for cheeseburgers with onion?" She asked promptly.

"Is that what you want to have?" He said willing to do whatever she wanted; it had been like that since she got pregnant.

"Only if you want it too." She said knowing James would simply agree if she said yes to his answer.

"I was thinking of going to that Greek downtown." He confessed.

"Near the park?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Only if you buy me strawberry ice cream after." Rafaela told him and he cracked a sweet laughter, pecking her again.


James took the drivers place on her car and she sat by his side and noticed that though he was trying, James was in fact a bit moody. She knew him well enough by then to know all his mood signs.

"Is the album almost done?" She asked him to make conversation as he was driving silent.

"It is. We're just arranging minor things to send it to the company. It will be released at the end of the month."

"It's gonna be fine, it sounds amazing. I think it's your best work so far, it's amazing really." Rafaela said genuinely. Though she still wasn't that much into metal, she was into his music, she was into Metallica and James loved that above all.

"I really like a lot too, I confess." He said opening the smile she loved.

"Is everything alright James?" She asked him then. His smiled faded away but he shook his head, there Rafaela was sure something was going on and something was definitely bothering him, and she was sure Lars and him were fighting when she got there.

"Everything's fine." He said stopping on a red light. James rubbed a hand on his face and then pulled his hair back, griping on the steering wheel right after. Rafaela watched each one of his nervous moves, she knew them all. Something was going on and he didn't want to tell her, or he knew she wouldn't like it. Maybe it was the second, she guessed.

Be With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora