Chapter 81

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The van stopped in front of the hotel where they were staying. The doorman came to open the door and James got out, giving his hand to Rafaela, and then not letting go. Another boy came to pick up their luggage from the trunk and James let the driver go, saying he wouldn't need him until dinner time.

"Welcome." The doorman greeted them with a smile on his lips and both James and Rafaela greeted him back and then followed the boy that carried their bags. They met Kirk with a girl in the lobby.

"Hey guys!" He smiled coming toward them, then shaking James' hand and after hugging Rafaela. "Rafi... it's so great to see you." He told her embracing her even more.

She noticed how James scanned the girl, it was clear he also didn't know her, and Kirk didn't introduce them to her, which led her to conclude she was not someone important. Still, Rafaela eyed her and the girl eyed Rafaela the same way.

"We're planning a dinner tonight, the crew and us, want to show up?" Kirk said.

James looked at Rafaela to know what she was thinking, and she simply shrugged. "Ok." He said to his band mate.

Kirk left and they went to the elevators to go up to their suite. James remained silent but Rafaela was thinking about the brunette she had just seen. Clearly, she was not Kirk's new girlfriend, otherwise he would have introduced her to them.

"Is that Kirk's girlfriend?" She asked James innocently, just trying to make him talk.

"No... don't know who that is..." He said vaguely.

Of course she also knew it wasn't, but she was expecting him to say more. She's a groupie, she's someone, but James didn't say anything and even looked a bit bothered.

"Is she a groupie then?" She asked and his eyes pierced on hers. Her question unbalanced him a little, but Rafaela knew about their existence.

Groupies had existed in their life since forever, but ever since that album had been released that things got out of control. Of all the marriages and relationships within the band, James' had been the only one that lasted. Lars and Kirk got divorced and so did Jason. James thought maybe it was time to talk to her, because it was good to have her there, but she'd see things that would probably shock her.

"She probably is." He admitted and she smiled, then she set her eyes on the floor and James knew that look too well.

"I don't do groupies Rafi. Never did while we were together." He said.

"But you did while we were apart... these were the women you told me about at Lars's, right?"

"Yes. They didn't mean anything at all and now that we are together I am done with it. Just like before."

"I know..." She smiled.

Then he placed a kiss on the top of her head. She looked up at him and shot him a smile. He never failed her, she knew that, and deep inside she's always trusted him. The closer she had been not to trust him was when that woman answered the phone in his room, because the circumstances were others.

"I believe in you." She then said just to reinforce the idea.

The boy left their bags and closed the door of their huge suite after being tipped. James and Rafaela dragged their bags to the suite and then he took her to the living room, making her sit on the couch.

"I need to tell you a few things..." He said needing to clarify some things for her.

He was in a relationship, but others weren't, and he needed to be completely honest with her so she wouldn't be caught by surprise. Rafaela looked in his eyes feeling her heart beating faster. It sounded serious.

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