5 Linc

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Wednesday is such an annoying day out of the week. It is right in the middle, so nothing exciting happens. The only class I have is Introduction to French with Jace and Devin (of course).

As we get close to Austin Hall, Jace smiles and stops me from walking inside, "Seems they canceled French."

I retract my earlier statement. Today is now my favorite day! "Sweet! Do you want to go to my house?"

An enormous grin appears on his face and I know exactly why "Is Selma home?"

That he calls my mother, and his godmother, by her first name always gets on my nerves, "Yes you kiss ass."

"Don't get mad at me! Not my fault she likes me more." I refuse to consider that to be true. 

We walk into the foyer and I smell my mother's famous cinnamon rolls. The thing about her delicious cinnamon rolls is that they are not famous because they taste good, they are famous because she uses them to masks terrible situations. When I was ten, she made me some cinnamon rolls during summer vacation and then told me she got a sperm donor and my father was not biologically my father. 

"Maybe she wants you to go on another date with that German girl down the block," Jace whispered as he puts his shoes on the rack and his backpack in his cubby.

Ugh! Please, dear God, don't let Mila be in the kitchen! That was the worst date of my life! She coughed in my mouth! "Momma, Jace, and I are here!"

"Kitchen baby!" She screams back to me.

"Professor Williams?" Jace asks, stopping in front of me at the kitchen door. 

He looks at us and waves. Jace looks to me for an answer, but I don't know why he is here either. He is not dressed in his usual attire of a brown blazer and dark jeans. He is wearing an NYU shirt and light-washed jeans that look like they came from the '90s. He gathers his things but drops some pictures on the floor. They scatter and Jace goes to pick them up for him and hands them back. "Thank you. I will see you next week, Selma." He walks pass us without saying a thing and I am grateful he did. 

She goes to walk him out. Well, that was strange. I never see professors come to our house except for Tatum, but he is my uncle. "Dude, he had pictures of Auden, " Jace tells me quietly.

"What? Are you sure?"

He shakes his head vigorously, "She looked younger, but yeah that was her."

Ew! Seriously, that is gross! Why on earth would our English professor have pictures of one of his students? When mom comes back in, we pretend it does not worry us our professor is a pervert and sit down with her to eat the mischievous cinnamon rolls together. 

Devin texts multiple times, but I just ignore it. Why can't she take a hint? If I am thinking of sleeping with anyone, it would be Auden. Unfortunately, Auden seems to not want to date at all. After class yesterday, Blake Teller, our own campus YouTuber, asked her to the homecoming game, and she said she had homework, but she already told me she got all of her homework done. She is very confusing.

As if she can hear me thinking of her, my phone goes off and her name appears on my screen. I answer it immediately and get judgemental eyes from Jace, whose mouth is stuffed with a cinnamon roll, "Hello?" 

"Hey, what is better for you almond milk or oat milk?"

Seriously? why is she calling me? "Uh, I think almond milk; why do you ask?"

"I am about to go to the store and I was thinking I should get healthier stuff to put into my dorm room. Are you free? You can meet me at the market on the 5th."

I could stay here and study with Jace or I can go flirt with Auden for a couple of hours. My mother mouths questions at me, giving Jace the opportunity to say Auden's name for the first time. I need to avoid this situation for as long as I can. Auden it is. "I will come and get you; I need stuff too." I need absolutely nothing from the market. We get ours delivered. 

"Okay, be here in twenty."

Jace crosses his arms and looks me up and down, "What do you need from the store Linc?"

My mother is now going to ask me questions about Auden! Great! "Things Jace." I leave them and run to put on my lucky bomber jacket. I need all the help I can get trying to win over Auden Tate. 


This reminds me of starting to date when I was younger. I went out to a date at this dingy old place with rock cover bands and pretended to know the words to ACDC when I really only knew like 3 songs. By the way, I am no longer with that person. LOL. 

Write down in the comments your worst first dates or embarrassing dates! We can be embarrassed together!!! 

Love you guys! Make sure to vote and share the story! 

xoxo Michaela  

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